COMPUSIES: Gordormoststroy could at his expense to repair the road in Kirovo-Chepetsk


In Kirovo-Chepetsk, the street of landlocrators was repaired without the conclusion of the municipal contract. As explained in the city administration, the work was carried out within the framework of social partnership. That's just one partner became Gordormoststroy, which is a municipal enterprise Kirov. The question discussed on March 5 at a meeting of the regional control group for the content and repair of the Public Chamber of the Region.

Previously, the prosecutor's office for the conversion of the Public Chamber of the region checked the legality of the repair work on the street of landlocrators in Kirovo-Chepetsk. Then it was established that in October 2020, the work carried out "Vyatvtodor" with the involvement of special equipment "Gordorsoststy". At the same time, work was carried out on the basis of the oral agreement between the MCU "Road-Operational Service" of Kirovo-Chepetsk and "Vyatavtodor", and the municipal contract was not concluded.

On November 5, auction was published on the website of the state procurement, but the next day he was canceled. In November, the prosecutor's office introduced a submission to the head of the Kirovo-Chepetsk administration, and the testing materials sent to the Chief Region Investigation Committee.

According to the regional group, the Kirovo-Chepetsk administration, the repair of the streets of landlocrators in Kirovo-Chepetsk was carried out in the framework of the Treaty on the social partnership between the enterprises of the city, the MCU "Road-Operational Service" of Kirovo-Chepetsk and JSC Gordormoststroy. In accordance with the GDMS Treaty, warranty obligations for completed work within four years.

The Kirovo-Chepetsk administration clarified that the local police department conducted an inspection on the work of the work performed and refused to initiate a criminal case due to the absence of a crime.

COMPUSIES: Gordormoststroy could at his expense to repair the road in Kirovo-Chepetsk 9558_1
COMPUSIES: Gordormoststroy could at his expense to repair the road in Kirovo-Chepetsk

The head of the regional group Konstantin Sitchikhin noted that the Treaty on Social Partnership implies that the Organizations help the municipality.

- The prosecutor's office was previously reported, in which it was written that the GDMS was assisted, but "Vyatvtodor". And GDMS worked on the subcontract. That is, it turns out someone somewhere hesitates, "said Sitchikhin.

At the meeting, the question arose: why GDMS or Vyatvtodor spent their profits to repair the road in Kirovo-Chepetsk and it is legitimately. Since there was no one to answer, it was decided to send requests to the Kirovo-Chepetsk administration, Kirov, as well as the regional prosecutor's office.


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