Kevin Magnouzen: sad that I could not achieve more


Kevin Magnouzen: sad that I could not achieve more 9500_1

Kevin Magnussen has contradictory impressions of his career in Formula 1. On the one hand, he is pleased with his achievements, on the other - was calculated for more ...

Kevin Magnussen: "In Formula 1, I showed everything that is capable of, but I could achieve more. I believe that behind the wheel Mercedes I would win the race and could conquer the title, but this did not happen. Of course, in some cases I could perform better, but, in my opinion, I showed what is capable of.

In childhood, I set a goal to become a rider of Formula 1, knowing that the family would not be able to maintain me at least money - in my opinion, it was an ambitious goal, but I achieved it and spent several years in Formula 1. From this point of view I achieved much more than perhaps I had to, but never be completely satisfied with the achieved. I will leave Formula 1, and I still will be a little sad that I could not achieve great success.

From the side it is always difficult to judge what the racer is capable of the wheel of a car. It is because of this that in sports is not easy, especially when the car lacks speed.

In the first Grand Prix, I rose to the podium, but after that there were many other races. Remembering now every one of them, I understand that much could do better. It always happens, especially in the debut season. In the first race in Formula 1, I finished the second, but if you compare me then and now I became much better. It's hard for me to believe that I no longer managed to climb the podium, although in many races I made a hundred times better than then.

For four years in Haas, I found a support in Formula 1. The career was raised rather than: I changed the teams every year. In 2015, I missed the season, then returned to Renault, and it was difficult for me to get comfortable after I actually did not fit the steering wheel. In Haas, I became more experienced and achieved progress as a racer.

I believe that with experience you begin to better understand how to work with the settings, what strategy to choose how to piloting the machine on different routes, in different conditions, in different types of turns. With experience, all solutions become more accurate, you make conclusions from each situation and become wiser. In addition, every year I felt more confidence and relate to everything calmerly - no longer felt the former pressing or excitement in a particular situation. I was more comfortable, so I am more pleased with my work.

When you get a chance to go to Formula 1, then you are already a good rider, able to show high speed and control the car, but the solutions that you take to show your skill, get better every time.

For example, this year in Hungary, I rose to the third place, but strongly inferior at the speed of Mercedes and Red Bull Racing - with whom I had to fight for a position. I did not have a chance to keep them behind. Then I thought that you need to accept the loss of position and understand what time it is necessary to be included in the fight. Find a compromise is difficult, and four years ago such thoughts would not come to my mind. "

The main racing engineer Haas Io Komatsu believes that a multi-year contract with the team played an important role in the progress of Kevin.

Io Komatsu: "Kevin needs stability. Previously, he was constantly thinking: "What happens next year?". We signed a multi-year contract with him, and this gave him confidence. I noticed how much he changed between the first and second season: he got used to the team and understood how we work; He became more comfortable, and we were able to learn better than him. Then he achieved a huge progress along with the team. He became easier to recognize his drawbacks.

For example, on Friday he often inferior to the novel at speed and started the weekend worse than a partner. However, the dignity of Kevin in his confidence in success - that is why he did not panic. He analyzed everything: piloting other riders, video, GPS data and everything else. On Saturday, he no longer attached the importance to what happened on Friday. If he recognized his mistake in Friday training, he said: "I talked about my feelings, but in fact all this is wrong. To drive faster, I need to do something else. " He is frank with the team and did everything correctly if not in the third training session, then in qualifications. I increasingly noticed him after him last year and in this.

It is curious that on Friday he does not always give exhaustive comments. He likes the stable behavior of the back of the car in turns. If he did not feel it, then on Friday often complained that he did not trust the back of the car and could not quickly drive a turn, because he lacks stability in the behavior of the car. In fairness, I must say that he recognizes it the next day, otherwise looks at the situation. This is a mature approach.

In this regard, he achieved progress, because when he just joined the team, his Friday solutions were often limited, he adhered to their whole weekend, so he did not seek progress, but it changed.

One of the weaknesses of Kevin was his inability to adapt to complex conditions. In Germany, in 2018, he was perfectly piloted the car, did not allow mistakes, drove in a good pace, but when it began to rain, he flew off the track, lost a few positions and panicked. He thought that she rolled back far, so I wanted to risk. When everything is stable, Kevin performs perfectly, but when some unforeseen circumstances interfere, he loses control over the situation.

The Turkish Grandmate this year showed how professionally he became: he made conclusions from past races, his mistakes and disadvantages. Previously, he would have problems in such conditions.

We are not the most effective car, so Kevin was not easy, but he did everything right and patiently warmed the tires, and then drove at a higher pace than rivals. When we wanted to put him an intermediate rubber, at first he doubted, and then agreed to risk.

The rivals failed to get ahead, and he experienced a huge pressure, heading a large group of cars. Nevertheless, he did everything right, spoke great and earned glasses in Turkey. Three years ago, I could not imagine that he was capable of it. This is notable progress. It is a pity that next year Kevin will not be able to demonstrate its skills in Formula 1.

Source: Formula 1 on

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