Meeting on the IT country. Lukashenko wants to attract "printed trillions of dollars" to Belarus


Projects of legal acts aimed at stopping illegal financial transactions in the field of high technologies discussed March 16 at a meeting at Alexander Lukashenko, Tut.BY.

Meeting on the IT country. Lukashenko wants to attract

In Belarus will strengthen the control of cryptocurrencies

- In some countries, IT corporation's tools are actively and unfinished in political processes (it is familiar to us). Those who released all these processes from under control are now reaping relevant fruits, "said Lukashenko.

He recalled the adoption of the so-called Decree on PVT 2.0, which was allowed many operations with cryptocurrencies and tokens. Lukashenko noted that screaming abuses in the turnover cryptocurrency was not allowed during the action of the decree, but additional measures are needed to prevent the financing of terrorism.

- Therefore, the Government, the State Control Committee, the National Bank offered to clarify some of the provisions of the legislation and establish the necessary level of control over the new scope of financial transactions. This is the first block of questions, "Lukashenko explained.

Lukashenko wants to attract "printed trillions of dollars" to Belarus

The second block of questions, according to him, is associated with the use of digital technologies to expand development opportunities. He stressed that it is exclusively about the establishment of control, and not about the infringement of any sphere.

- I want to say that we are talking about control, on the one hand, civilized control. And on the other hand, we want to take advantage of the moment and for our development to use this segment, "Lukashenko explained.

He noted that the company's high-tech parks on most economic indicators are significantly ahead of traditional industries.

- And the currency revenue, which enters the country due to their work, has become a significant factor in financial, and therefore pricing sustainability. However, we need to look wider. In the medical period of last year of the country, the world leaders printed trillions of dollars (we did not speak more about it) to protect, save people. Someone tried to catch up at this, someone used this situation. All this was seen, they understand and will understand even more. No one hides that trillions of dollars were printed to preserve their own economies, supporting business and people, "said Lukashenko.

- Where did these funds hide? They began to invest in what he had the greatest perspective to increase and, naturally, profitability - in the IT industry, "said Lukashenko, noting that the cost of high-tech companies increased from 200% to 800%.

- No legal activity can provide such an income. Even the cost is not reinforced cryptocurrency reached record values. However, most of the printed money is still not connected, and this suggests that we have a huge growth potential if we can attract them to our country, "Lukashenko is sure.

He suggested that the Meeting participants express ideas that and how to improve in the legal field to ensure that unused world capital can find its application in the Belarusian segment of the world IT market. Tut.BY.

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