What is the difference, experience, skill, knowledge.


These three seemingly similar words, they differ in the root. The learning process (no matter what you do or learn to study) should affect them, explaining, and most importantly, to form a skill with them to work independently. Unfortunately, not all of the guru realize this.

Let's start first with definitions.

The following term:

And completed the definition:

When we came to this world, we did not have any knowledge or skill, no experience. There are only instincts that in the first few days of life allow you to survive. And then the manifestation of these instincts leads to the fact that the world around the world reacts to our actions,

What is the difference, experience, skill, knowledge. 9488_1

The child was crying and mom responded. There may be several reasons for crying, but usually they are quickly and eliminated. Gradually, the experience is growing and the number of sensations too. We give more signals and get them more. We start the dialogue and build the information exchange channel.

It may be sound, fluid movement, blinking through eyes. So the first knowledge appears, which are obtained by experienced. But the human body and the brain, including, in nature, lazy, more correctly say economical at energy consumption. Therefore, the experience of communication and knowledge available leads to the fact that the skill develops.

It was a surcharge, and now the article itself.

Working with children, working with schoolchildren and work with students differs in the root. But at all stages it is important to teach people, to receive new knowledge, form your own experience and work out all this in the skill.

What is the difference, experience, skill, knowledge. 9488_2

At the stage of study at the university, the volume of knowledge becomes huge and it serves only the base for further development. At the same time, the skill of knowledge is formed, which gradually passes into experience.

My personal experience is:

Any skill is practiced and is easy enough.

The transfer of knowledge does not mean at all that a person will take advantage of knowledge and your experience, and even more so skill.

Development of skills and gaining experience depends on many factors. The main ones are the skills of teachers and the motivation of the student.

There are many such abstracts, it is only important to understand the key points.

In order for the knowledge to be transformed into experience and skill, you need to constantly work on yourself and with these knowledge.

What is the difference, experience, skill, knowledge. 9488_3

Modern technologies are radically changed by the situation, change the value of certain knowledge, which means that the value of old experience changes. Therefore, you need to be constantly in a tone and improve your skills.

The rate of learning has grown sharply, the previous techniques are already working on, it is necessary to act on the protection. Unfortunately, not all people can.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop several third-party aspects of your own picture of perception. It seems incomprehensible and difficult, but it will be only first, the brain is quickly adapted and takes this game.

No one knows what will happen in 5 years who will be in demand: economists, lawyers, psychologists, programmers, doctors. In a year, the situation will absolutely look different. Therefore, learns a new direction, because it is prestigious, stupid. It is necessary to learn what is interesting and it turns out.

But there will always be a minimum knowledge base that grows every day.

Mathematics and programming are young. But this does not mean that everyone should do it. This means that in any sphere today there is a computerization and it is accurately useful for you.

In graduation I would like to say that initially our brain studied through sensations, now it acts the same way. Train your memory, train yourself, look for ways of your own motivation and watch yourself, the rest will also come.

About the importance of reading books, work with materials and work with designers, work with creativity to talk in the future.


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