How to cook the right kebab?

How to cook the right kebab? 946_1
How to cook the right kebab? Photo: Slawomir Fajer,

Festive and weekends most are associated with a trip to nature, a trip to the cottage or at least evening gatherings in a gazebo near the house. All these events are firmly connected with the only religious, widespread and people's favorite dish - kebab. Although, it is not even just a dish (think fried meat on a stick) is a whole philosophy, science and culture. And you need to prepare for the preparation of kebabs in advance.

Do you have a gruntier before or caked up? How much people meet - so much you hear opinions about the correctness of its soaking, cooking, frying, eating, and even picking. He summarized the multinational experience of "barbell science", it is safe to say that why the kebab would not be prepared: from chicken, fish, lambs, porks, beef or veal - the main thing to make the right choice. Any meat must be not pair, and not frozen, but necessarily fresh and cooled. In the frozen - less nutrients, and the kebab from it will never be juicy. From the paired meat, a good kebab is also not cooked: from the carcass should stroke blood, and the meat itself should be thoroughly interlaried.

It is important and what part of the carcass you will take. Delicate, juicy and delicious kebabs will be made of pork neck (parts located along the ridge on the neck) and the raggy ham. From pork ham barbecue will be laid dry. Beef tougher, and inexperienced man make a juicy dish from her will be quite difficult. The only part that she is suitable on the kebab is clipping, and the legs and pins are not used. But if you buy veal, the result will exceed all your expectations. A person who is completely inexpirated in the methods of cooking kebabs is best practiced on a chicken - the meat is gentle, it is quite quickly prepared, any part can be launched into the move, even wings.


Salt, pepper and onions are the basis of any marinade, which can be used as acidic liquids: wine, lemon and pomegranate juices, sour and fresh milk, yard. And no vinegar! It is rude and used, as a rule, to disguise nestable or very hard meat. Therefore, be lazy and buying a piece of meat in the store already kept in vinegar, "think about what and how long ago it was cooked.

In order for the exemplary to prepare a kebab at home, pour meat first with a large salt (it absorbs everything in itself and does not give juice), then with large scenes peppers pepper, and then sliced ​​with large rings onions. If the meat is fresh - it will be quite enough for the marinade, if not - add liquids: chickens are usually soaked in milk or wine, pork - in wine, acidic juices or prostrup, lamb - in wine or acidic juices, veal - in wine, acidic juices And Prostokvash.

The main secret: making kebabs needed in enameled, clay or glassware. In no case cannot be mashed meat for kebabs in an aluminum pan: oxides of this metal, entering into interaction with meat and liquids, at best will spoil his taste, and at worst - will make it poison.

Cut-borbard, on a shampur nanion

So that in the hiking and field conditions, the meat is not turned on skewers, it evenly roasted from all sides - it is not necessary to cut it into too large pieces, but in order not to dry - to smuggle. The optimal option will be a piece of 5 × 5 centimeters in size, otherwise the kebab simply does not affect. The chicken can be chopped into pieces, along with a bone ride on the skewer and in this form to file to the table. The wings just dump what is called, in a bunch and fried on the grid.

The meat of the young lamb must be with the bones, and in handling a pork - their tricks. There should be a lot of fat on the piece: the fat will be melted, starts to burn, because of this, the meat will acquire an unpleasant taste.

It matters both how you run meat on skewers. The main thing is not to make a harmonica from him, a piece is enough to pierce just two places along so that the meat does not hiss and did not hang out. Between it, ride a ring of onions or sweet pepper. Try to separate pieces from each other to dear kebabs evenly. To find out whether your dish is ready, care meat along a sharp knife: if the juice is transparent - you can serve on the table, if the pink - the meat is not ready if there is no juice - you have been cut the kebab. Do not be discouraged, and boldly experiment with the next portion.

Firewood for kebab

For the preparation of kebabs, it is best to use birch, a lamp, oak and all the breeds of fruit trees (apple tree, pear, plum, cherry, cherry, apricot, peach and others), grape vine. It is categorically excluded firewood from coniferous rocks with resinous wood, they will give meat the taste, not "scored" by any sauces.

For kebabs from the bird and game, firewood from fruit trees is best fit; from lamb and pork - cherry, birch or lime firewood; From veal - firewood from birch, linden and fruit tree species.

Classic kebab

Products: 1 kg of lamb, 5-6 bulbs, 1 bundle of green onion, 3-4 tomatoes, 4 tbsp. l. Tkemali sauce, barbaris dried - on the tip of the knife, 1 lemon, 20 g of grained lamb bauble, pepper black ground, greens, salt - to taste.

Korean or back lamb chop into small pieces, folded in the dishes, salt, sprinkle with ground pepper, add finely chopped onions, lemon juice and mix. Cut the dishes and put in a cold place for marination for 2-3 hours.

The pieces of meat rinse on a metal spit ahead with a splashing onion, sliced ​​rings, lubricate them with melted curvy lard.

Fry a kebab on a grill over hot coals without a flame for 10-15 minutes, turning the spit so that the meat is evenly delivered.

On the side dish appress green or onions, sliced ​​lemon rings or tchemali sauce, tomatoes. Before serving, decorate with greens and barberries.

Pork kebab with beer

Chilled not very fat meat and pork cut into small pieces of one size. Fold into the enameled pan, shifting with a large number of onions, salt and pepper, pour the mayonnaise (about 250 ml per 2 kg of meat), mix thoroughly and put in a cold place for 2 hours for marination.

15 minutes before the preparation of kebabs pour 0.5 liters of light beer into a pan and mix everything.

While the kebabs are frying, you can cook sauce: onions remaining in a saucepan to fry until ready, mix with mayonnaise and ketchup.

Folding ready-made kebabs in a saucepan and leave for 10 minutes to remove (kebabs are soft and juicy).

Skewer from sturgeon

Products: 1 kg of sturgeon, 1 tsp. Creamy oil, 400 g of tomatoes, 150 g of repressed bow, 150 g of green onions, 2 lemon, pepper and salt to taste.

Fish, removing the skin and removing the cartilage, cut into pieces for 40 to 50 g. Mix the fish with grated onion, pepper and salt onto the skewers and fry for 10 minutes.

Fresh tomatoes are on the side dish (better fried on the fire), onions, sliced ​​rings, large-sliced ​​green onions, lemon slices.

Chicken skewers

Products: Chicken ham - 2 pcs., Lemon juice, tomato juice, or dry wine - 1 cup, onion - 2 pcs., Salt, Ground black pepper, Timyan greens (dried), Garlic greens.

To cut every bit of three parts, pickle (in lemon juice, tomato juice, or in dry wine - to taste). Add bay leaf, salt, black pepper, thyme, onion, sliced ​​by large rings. Marine meat for about an hour.

Hanging pick-up chicks on skewers, mocking them with a pickled bow, with fresh tomatoes and eggplant circles. Sail kebabs on skewers, richly sprinkled with finely chopped green feathers of garlic.

Sauce Tkemali

Products: 100 g of dried plums, garlic, salt, pepper, parsley or kinse.

Severed, washed dried plums are put into the pan, poured with water so that it only covers them and boil. The decoction is filtering, plums without seeds are wiping through the sieve, diluted with a decoction to the thickness of sour cream, pinch garlic, ground pepper, finely sliced ​​greens, salt, podpper, stirred, boiled and cooled.

Tomato sauce

Products: 1.5 kg of tomatoes, 300 g of butter, 2 g of ground pepper, salt to taste.

To move fresh tomatoes, remove the fruits, wash in cold water, cut into the slices, wipe through the sieve, respect to the consistency of thick cream, fill with melted cream oil, ground pepper, salt.

Bon Appetit!

Author - Galina Troyan

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