Uber allows bitcoin to use as a means of payment for travel


The General Director of Uber Dara Hosrovshha said that the company soon could allow its customers to pay for the Bitcoin's travel and other cryptocurities. In an interview with the CNBC Channel, Hosrovshhai spoke about the new Uber strategies, one of which also covers the cryptocurrency market. The management of the company wants to test the scenario of the implementation of blockchas-assets in its business model and evaluate the potential profitability of this idea. We share the details of the situation.

Trips to Uber for Bitcoin

Here is one of the quotes of the head of the platform from the CNBC interview, in which he spoke about the thoughts against cryptocurrency. A replica brings Decrypt.

That is, the management of the platform allows an embodiment of cryptocurrency. So if the idea is implemented, users will be able to pay trips to coins.

However, questions arise here. First, the block time in the network of first cryptocurrencies is that there is the speed of adding a new block to the blockchain, after which the transaction in it will be considered valid - is ten minutes. And therefore, either the user will have to pay immediately when landing into the car, or the company will wait for coins to their addresses. And as we know from examples of cryptocurrency exchanges, it is necessary to wait at least two-three confirmations to confirm deposits, and this can last more than half an hour.

Secondly, the situation with the commissions, which are quite high now. We checked the latest data: yesterday the average cost of translation in the Bitcoin network was $ 28. And it is too much in order to pay the equivalent of ten dollars for the trip.

Graph of Middle Commissions in the Bitcoin Network

Perhaps the user will need to "replenish the score" in BTC in advance, and then the tools will be charged from there.

At the same time, the Uber does not seek to follow TESLA footsteps and make investments in BTC. Here is a quotation of a company representative.

So see the Uber in the list of Bitcoin-investors in the near future will most likely fail. Although in theory, the introduction of payment in BTC can change this situation - at least in this case the company will be at the disposal of coins.

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CEO Uber Dara Hosrow

The example of Tesla also did not impress the partner of the Uber and the financial giant called Adyen with Netflix and Facebook. All these companies are not yet considering a crypt as a potential investment or means of receiving payments. The CEO of Adyen Peter Van der Das noted that the cryptocurrency market is too volatile for such a scenario.

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Exclusive taxi for fans cryptocurrency

Fortunately, the adoption of cryptocurrencies does not end only on the Uber. The oldest bank of America Bank of New York Mellon announced plans for storing and supporting transactions in Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies as a guideline asset on behalf of its customers. As cointelegraph clarifies, the decision was made by large investors and the highest leadership of the BNY MELLON clientele. The bank perceives the height of the bovine trend Cryprint as an excellent opportunity to expand the range of funds to obtain potential profits.

Note that Bny Mellon is not the first major organization that draws its attention to digital assets. However, this is the first National Depositary Bank, which undertakes to introduce storage of cryptocurrencies for its customers in the short term, that is, "later this year."

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Purchase cryptocurrency

We believe that all similar news is only the beginning of a new global trend of the spread of Bitcoin among large organizations. In the highest circles, the potential is aware of which the first cryptocurrency and other blocks-assets have, so the leaders of many companies do not want to miss it. And the more such players joins the crypton, the mass will be the industry. Well, this is an unequivocal positive for it.

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