"For 5-10 thousand you can take the house." Belorus moved from Minsk for 90 kilometers "at meat" and revives him


According to the results of the 2009 census, 646 people lived in Krevo. Now about 200 people less. Sergey Gapon says about this - the leaving from this "meat". That is how he calls his homeland, because the soul hurts for her. Two more than a year ago, Sergey fully traveled the capital's life at the house in Krevo, and last year launched the Kreva Create project, which he received funding at the Social Weekend competition. The main event of the initiative was to become a summer festival workshop. But did not - you will learn about the reasons later. What will now be with the project and money, why Sergey does not intend to surrender and why he is trying to drag people in the pure of people on permanent residence in Tut.BY.

Photo provided by Sergey Gapon. He is in the foreground

Until February 28, applications for the sixteenth season of the largest Social Weekend social project competition are opened, where patients and companies finance fresh projects useful to society.

For a start, there is enough idea. Everything else can be found during participation. An application may apply any person or organization. All the details - in the Regulations on the Competition.

To fill out the application, click here.

"The word" agro-town "has become synonymous with the template. But it's not about Krevo "

For many years, Sergey Gapon has been working as a news photoconductor. Almost all this time he lived in Minsk, although he was born in Krevo. In the capital moved the usual way - he entered the university and, having received a diploma with a specialty "Management of the social and cultural sphere", remained. There were opened opportunities for work, dating, parties and all that it seems to be needed by a young specialist.

In the fall of 2018, Sergey decided so: they still had to take off across Belarus, which means ride too. Krevo from Minsk in 90 kilometers - not such a long distance. For the photographer, the capital was good for being in the center of the country - convenient. But if you live in the village and shoot in the West of Belarus, then go to the desired point even closer. So Sergey bought a house in Krevo and after a couple of months he moved there with ends.

- Minsk began to tire me. For myself, I realized that the norm could be not only urban smells and sounds of cars, but also smells of dew, colors, birds singing. Such a norm is much more healthier for the soul and body. In addition, for me, Krevo is "meat". Legal status for today he has "agro-town". But, damn, "Gorodok Krevo" does not even sound, - Sergey is sure. - But you will say "Manyak Krava" - and immediately the power is felt. It seems to me that in our time the word "agro-house" has become synonymous with the template.

But Krevo, our interlocutor believes, is not a story about this.

- For 7-8 centuries, such a layering of historical and cultural events gathered here, such an energy sandwich that if you download it all in my senses, you can want to pour the forest with bare hands. In the song "Tresha Charapakhi", it is: "Kab Lyuby Belarus, our Milu Mom, Traba ў Reta Lands of Pabivatsi." And I Kazah, just a traba is a simple prieuchah's priest in Krava, - a young man smiles. - And everything will be clear.

Now Sergey has more free time on Krevo. In connection with the events of last year, he was deprived of accreditation, and therefore - and the right to work in the country. A photograph for a young man remains still important - the issue with the work is still sick.

- After graduating from the university, I did not work as a cultural manager. Now I was engaged in Kreva Create and, it turns out that ten years after the end of the university began working in his specialty, - the interlocutor laughs. - I can't get a carving sculpture photographer. It is reasonable that you need to find people who understand something in it will make it high quality.

What is Kreva Create and why didn't you hear about him earlier

So, now Sergey Gapon is the organizer of the Festival-workshop Kreva Create. The point is to share with the guests and residents of Krevo work, which he and people in his team have spent several years. In 2020, the event was to go through for the first time.

- I wanted to collect all our affairs on one name and in the future to unwind this brand. In chaotic order, we were engaged in various affairs related to the revival of Krevo. Previously, it was all absolutely unsystematic. We sit, for example, with the guys and think: "Oh, let's invite the WORLD PRESS PHOTO lecture." Or will arrange the carnival, or by organizing the exhibition, but at least a fat fiction on the fire in Yury Highland, "explains Sergey. - In general, everything was at the level "and let's".

Photo: Sergey Gapon

Under the brand Kreva Create and at the same time all of the listed "movies" were to be organized in 2020 for the first time. Previously, Sergey's experience in organizing festivals was not. Therefore, to declare dates for six months could not: Too much responsibility. Yes, and last year for a startup in the form of a festival was obviously not the most successful - at least because of the coronavirus. But against Kovid, Sergey with the team came up with security measures, and it would not be a hindrance in conducting an event.

- Determined over time only somewhere over a month to declared dates. Chose August 15-16 2020. This is Saturday and Sunday, "Remembers Sergey. - But the earliest after the presidential election on August 9 completely knocked out our team.

- Even if we ourselves found the strength to organize, the question: for whom? Absolutely not the atmosphere, not the mood ... Specifically, on August 15, our festival would be quite inappropriate. The fact that we ultimately do not organize this understood exactly 10-11 August.

Where they will spend money if the festival was not, and what then the team is doing

On Social Weekend, Sergey Gapon received 10 thousand rubles from Maxim Kuzmich from Gomel:

"We have converted all the money into a hard currency, considering that the project was transferred by terms," ​​Sergey smiles. - With Maxim, everything is built on mutual understanding, reports and explanations it does not require. In the financing of our project, another organization participated, they require documentation. They report to someone, those - even in front of one person ... In such a chain, of course, more complicated. But in any case, we agreed and solved the situation.

Photo: Sergey Gapon

Sergey Gapon is confident: his team could not make only one thing - to get together in the specified dates and make a noisy party. However, in July 2021, it is still planning to arrange it.

- The preparatory work that we did have disappeared. And even continues, "says young man. - For example, last year was the anniversary of Krevskaya Ulya, we prepared a comic about it and presentation. With this topic, the guys from "Film Live" still work - so they captured them. At the festival Kreva Create, three main directions: "Maisthernya", "Adukatsya", "Music". The first concerns restoration works, and this process also does not stop so far. The only thing - again, because of the events after August 9, stretched over time.

That comic. Photo: Sergey Gapon

The interlocutor brings an example: several artists-sculptors work in Krevo. If one of them came up on the Sunday march, hit for 15 days, then all - work stops. Nevertheless, two facilities are ready for art installation at the local Jewish cemetery. One transported to Krevo, the second is still in the workshop in Minsk. In the spring, Sergey hopes, both installations will be able to integrate into the cemetery space.

- If, of course, the coronavirus does not hurt again. In Krevo with this, the situation, to be honest ... Lutuy ўsu Gate Zell, "a young man describes the situation briefly. - But when there will be the necessary conditions, we will try to make a presentation. Moreover, we do not scatter on the wind: last year's budget has practically not spent and is transferred to the automatt to 2021.

While the team is engaged in "passive progress" of Kiriv as an interesting place.

- Calendar for 2021 came out in the magazine "Our Gіstorea": ​​out of 12 months, four illustrated by photographs of Krevo. That is the third people who hang this calendar will spend from Krevo. We also made a collaboration with the English Skyeng School - now there is a lesson about this place. There are several abandoned buildings near the castle, we revived them with the help of old archival images of 4-5 meters in size - this is the result of our cooperation with the festival "Month of Photography". Pictures up to a tent of meters were made in that place.

If you inspired this story: what to see in Krevo right now and how much it costs to move there

At the beginning of last year, the team collected funding to Molamola until the site was still open. The money collected went to the photo exhibition, which is now installed near the walls of the Krevsky Castle. You can see it right now and free, turning the stands yet are not going. All pictures did Sergey Gapon himself.

"But I say to everyone that this is not my personal exhibition as a photographer." This is primarily a presentation of Krieva. The pictures reflect the scenes of the lifestyle of the ridge in the scenery of the place. I did not specifically posted the photos of "just churches" or "just a castle," the interlocutor explains. - What is the point to duplicate, if you can approach and touch, touch these stones? The task was to show that in Krevo there is life, with its authentication.

Photo: Sergey Gapon
Photo: Sergey Gapon

Often, tourists in Krevo come to the firm - literally for an hour or two. But there is something that you will not see in five minutes, Sergey believes. These moments reflect pictures:

- Well, if one of the thousand tourists someone will say: "Listen. So here is awesome cool. And let's see ads, suddenly some kind of house is sold here. I want to live here or at least come for the weekend. "

True, "awesome cool," as Sergey is recognized, it is not equal to "to go nuts as cheap." So count on almost free house does not have:

- If someone thinks that here for a thousand or two dollars you can buy a house and live, then no. In Krevo for this money will be a barn. You can go to the house from 5 to 10 thousand. But if there is a desire, here and for 100 thousand house for sale, - Sergey laughs. - If some interesting object appears on sale from Krevo or somewhere near, we immediately try to find him the buyer among their own - in spirit, in relation to life, general values. I am this topic monitor.

Housing in Krevo, explains Sergey, is a purchase to the future. It is better to invest now and put the house, because with the restoration of the castle, believes the local, real estate will grow in price - such a trend. In general, Sergei's position is: if you do nothing, then our countryside will definitely die, and very quickly.

- Most villages are in front of such fate. I saw with my own eyes how the whole houses were taken to the mazami polygon: a piece of wall, doors, furniture ... I drove the farm. For example, on the place of the village where my dad was born, the forest is growing now. To be honest, I would not want the forest to grow in the place of Krieva. With my project, we just want to show that it is interesting here not only on the weekend kebabs to fry, but also live.

Photo: Sergey Gapon

Sergey understands: while it does not affect these processes. But he knows that four families in Krevo have already moved from cities - Molodechno and Minsk. And these are young people with children. Sergey's old residents to hold, but the guy is confident: in his power to attract new ones. Moreover, people in his team already have their housing in Krevo, although no longer a couple of years ago had no idea what was the place.

- There are not those who sees a place for planting cucumbers in this earth here for planting cucumbers or potatoes. People come here who want to realize their creative potential. You might think that I have some kind of skin interest, and I like that kulik who praises his swamp. I can not believe, "says Sergey. - At last weekend, I was visiting Galya Korsak - the owner of Brioche. I walked with her by Krevo and just heard: "Oh, how beautiful, ah, what kinds". You need to believe those people who arrived in Krevo for the first time in life. If you ask them here that they feel, almost certainly the answer will be: "Mad energy". Here the sky is higher than anywhere else. Tut.BY.

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