Dodge Ram 1500. Especially for jumping

If you see in the rear view mirror, this Dodge Ram - keep in mind, he can jump over. What does tuning begins? With the fact that by buying a car of your dreams, you understand one day that something is missing ...

For example, too hard rear suspension of the pickup is shaking out of you soul. And the annoying visits to thematic sites begin, calls to tuning centers and other searches for solving a disturbing problem.

Dodge Ram 1500. Especially for jumping 9449_1
Heavy snow without blocking insurmount

Medicine for spine

It all started with the replacement of spring to more efficient, with progressive characteristics, from American Carli SuspenSion. In contrast to the usual, more mildly work on the small moves of the suspension, and during the passage of holes and bumps on large moves - smoothly increase the elasticity and energy intensity. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the root sheet is less rigid, and the number of sheets in the package is very large (14 against 4 in the standard spring of the Dodge RAM of this year). Thus, it turns out that with a slight amplitude of oscillations (small cracks on the asphalt, joints and fumes) only a soft top of the springs. And when the suspension strives to work for a complete move, the rest of the sheets are in consistently. Progressively, as the load increases, increasing the elasticity of the springs in general. In addition, the springs are slightly longer than standard, which allows the earrings to move stronger back. It also increases the softness of the suspension. And the central bolt springs slightly shifted back, so you can install the wheels of the larger diameter, without fear that with a full compression of the wheel, the wheel will be preserved into the front of the arch.

Dodge Ram 1500. Especially for jumping 9449_2
The most exciting part of the jump: free flight

Shock absorbers for breakfast

If the machine moves elastically, then it can be ride faster, especially by off-road. As a result, during active operation, the car began to eat shock absorbers. For three months - and new Rancho ordered for a long time to live. After that, they decided to put a more professional and expensive Fox (the set of standard Fox landing sizes cost 2,500 dollars), which immediately caused the desire to participate in amateur races and show what the modified car is capable of. After the finish, the suspension naturally began to refine further.

Dodge Ram 1500. Especially for jumping 9449_3
The first phase of the landing - the front suspension gently swallows the blow ...

Since the 35-inch wheels did not get into the standard arches of the Dodge RAM, the front suspension was modified with a 6-inch elevator set from the American Fabtech company. Despite the fact that the car turned out to be high, the accurate calculation and the adjustment of the suspension parameters left the running capabilities at high speeds quite acceptable. Moreover, the car began to be controlled better than the standard uneloft dodge! Moreover, the corporate set was installed only in front, and behind the progressive springs, long-incredibly shock absorbers and the stroke limiters of the Airlift compression ($ 250), which possess the characteristics of a well-pumped pneumatic oil. That is, the rigid test of the rear suspension is completely excluded. And in front set the pneumohydraulic compression limiters - the same as on racing Trophy Truck.

Dodge Ram 1500. Especially for jumping 9449_4
... then the feed is lowered and the rear suspension begins to work.

We go to flight

Initially, thinking about rapidly driving in bad roads, ultimately built a suspension with the properties of a cross-moving motorcycle - a soft and very energy-intensive. Now the car simply provokes on the races by Kochkarnik. While you are going slowly, it shrouds out, but as soon as the speed grows - it is going, it becomes elastic and tenacious as a cat. And maybe even jump! Only for jumps not enough, the suspension has become so good to swallow the obstacles that you need to specially look for the springboard.

But the most amazing is confidence in the car during landing. In fact, you can feel completely calm, the car does not shudder, does not bother with all weights on the ground, it does not make any extra oscillations.

Dodge Ram 1500. Especially for jumping 9449_5
Rear shock absorbers fastening system - like racing trophy tracks

Power kit - not tuning

For funny confidence and give a certain amount of healthy aggression, the bumpers of the American company Road Armar (about $ 5,000) were installed in front and rear (about $ 5,000). True, they were heavy for a jumping truck, and in the future they have to be replaced with more easy. But side thresholds, the lid of the cargo compartment and the extra light turned out to be very useful. In addition, the pallet Carter AKP and the rear axle cover was replaced with tuning, with additional cooling ribs, which retains the oil temperature acceptable in the most stress conditions.

Dodge Ram 1500. Especially for jumping 9449_6
The monstrous length of the Fox racing shock absorbers, demanded to make their mount inside the cargo compartment

We also broke on this apparatus and believe me, there was no trace from the former passage of the elderly American pickup. The car is extremely elastic and on asphalt, and by intersection. And what kind of sound gives the tuning exhaust - the soul sings in unison with the engine, when you chew on the gas and go to the flight!

Dodge Ram 1500. Especially for jumping 9449_7
The articulation of the suspension is not very big - it is not for that

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