As Stalin moved his houses in Moscow for tens and hundreds of meters. Part one


I wanted to write an article about the quality of modern urban construction in relation to the quality of the royal and even Soviet, but then I saw a film on Discovery, which showed how Americans are transported from place to place their wooden houses.

The story of the movement of stone buildings was also covered in the same film, not only in America, but in the whole world. And here flashed information about what, it turns out to be in the USSR, even under Stalin, in Moscow, many thousands of living buildings were also successfully moved, and right along with their inhabitants, and that the most amazing thing is that the inhabitants themselves did not even feel that Their house moves.

In search of more detailed information, I, oddly enough, first of all came across special materials, but on the poem of the Soviet Children's writer Agnia Barto called "House":

This poem was written, which is called, on hot trails, in 1938.

When reading more in more detail with the system of movement of buildings in those years, I am amazed to scale, in which such complex even in our work times. Without any computers, without accurate satellite positioning systems, without modern technology, people managed, for which today, not every engineer will take. And at the same time, with a single catastrophe, not a single accident, not a single emergency situation, did not happen when moving the buildings!

As Stalin moved his houses in Moscow for tens and hundreds of meters. Part one 9448_1

Maybe this indicates a high level of development of the new Soviet engineering thought, who came instead of the old Russian, which disappeared 20 years before, in 1917, when almost the whole color of the old Russian technical intelligentsia was expelled from the country, or was destroyed at all?

In general, the idea of ​​moving buildings on a relatively long distance is not new. The buildings moved from place to place in the Middle Ages, although not so often, in essence, a couple of cases were registered. In Russia, the first house was moved in 1812, but then there was a wooden church, moreover, this case was one.

The most stormy development in this direction began in the United States as early as the 1970s of the XIX century, a special company was even established, afterwards the number of similar companies increased. But the Americans managed to move the stone (not wooden!) Buildings just a few meters, while residential buildings were almost no residential buildings - only churches, government agencies, shops and other commercial buildings were moved. Moreover, before the start of work on moving from buildings, all people were removed, well, just in case that they did not go out.

And only in the USSR, under Stalin, the movement of residential high-rise buildings began, and with all their tenants, and all these tenants did not even suspect anything. The fact is that the dates of movement were not disclosed, and the movement of the construction facility was carried out at night when everyone slept. At the same time there were no disconnections of communications - the light was burned in the buildings, water flowed from the cranes and sewage was working. All communications were reconnected using temporal connections, so, the water and sewer pipes were lengthened using rubber hoses, and with electricity it was all much easier.

As Stalin moved his houses in Moscow for tens and hundreds of meters. Part one 9448_2

In the morning, people woke up, gathered to work and saw completely different landscapes in the window! Many of them, although they knew that the house would move, but were not ready to perceive such fabulous results, someone thought it was crazy, someone even called the police in a panic. And it is amazing! How can I drive a house so that even a teaspoon in a glass does not slip? And such a case was - one academic worked all night in his home office, constantly drank tea, and in the morning, when turned off the light and looked out the window, I almost gotten again. True, he was scattered and just forgot that some manipulations are made with his house.

What was the program for the movement of residential buildings?

The fact is that in 1935 a plan for redevelopment of the capital center was approved. Usually in this case, many homes are demolished, but the problem was that many of the buildings that interfered with redevelopment were recognized as historical and were not destroyed. Well, the global practice provided for the disassembly of the building, the transfer of all the "spare parts" to another place and the subsequent assembly. However, this method was too expensive and long, and he did not fit the Bolshevik leadership. With the help of foreign specialists, calculations were made, which showed that the movement of major buildings should be carried out by the work of work at times, but none of these specialists took responsibility to move at home by more than 5, a maximum of 10 meters. Especially since the Americans even in the best of their years have never moved the building weighing more than 10-11 thousand tons, while in Moscow some at home that fell under the program "movement" weighed more than 20 thousand.

But the Stalinist plan for moving buildings was much longer than the possibilities of the Americans. The buildings were required to move not by 10, but for many dozens and even hundreds of meters, and some of them then had to turn around their axis, and some more and raise in a new place to a height of almost 2 meters. And since Americans did not want to risk, purely Soviet personnel were attracted. The main engineer of the entire program was the 33-year-old Soviet specialist Metrostro-E. M. Handel. By this time, the construction of the subway was carried out in the USSR, and the relevant personnel appeared, very experienced in the construction of underground communications, and which the new task was quite on the shoulder. Especially since the trial transfers of small buildings have already been made in a couple of years before, and an appropriate technology was developed, distinguished from American and European.

Continued here.

Message as Stalin moved the house in Moscow for tens and hundreds of meters. Part The first appeared first on Arkady Ilyukhin.

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