Bokaev was banned from to leave without permission from Atyrau and publicly discuss important issues


Bokaev was banned from to leave without permission from Atyrau and publicly discuss important issues

Bokaev was banned from to leave without permission from Atyrau and publicly discuss important issues

Atyrau. February 19. KazTAG - a well-known Kazakhstani civilian activist Max Bokayev was banned from leaving without permission from Atyrau and publicly discuss social and important issues, reports Radio Azattyk.

"The Department of Police (DP) of the Atyrau region requested the court to impose seven restrictions. The statement was filed in accordance with the Law on Administrative Supervision of Persons released from imprisonment. Judge Daurenbeck Daumov satisfied the Four Offers of the Office, "the reports says on Friday.

The court to Bokayeva imposes the following limitations for a period of three years:

- It is forbidden to travel from Atyrau by personal or work affairs without a written permission of the police, which implements administrative supervision;

- It is forbidden to leave the dwelling on weekdays from 22.00 to 6.00, as well as on holidays and weekends, if things are not related to working responsibilities;

- It is forbidden to discuss socially important issues and expression on them on the streets, squares, parks and squares, in entertainment institutions and other public places;

- In the period of administrative supervision, the activist is obliged to be noted in the management of the internal affairs of the city of Atyrau on the graphics designated police.

"The court rejected two limitations:" A ban on contact with adolescents by phone or other means without the consent of their parents or legal representative "and" Prohibition of alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances. " In addition, the court ruled that Bokayev should be noted in the police once a month instead of the three proposed by the police. The court decision did not enter into force, both parties have the right to appeal it, "the report said.

Max Bokaev is a civil activist who, together with another community - Talgat Ayanov on November 28, 2016, was sentenced to five years in prison and a fine of 250 MRP in part 2 of Article 174 (the initiation of social rally), part 4 of Article 274 (distribution of knowingly false information ) and article 400 (violation of the procedure for organizing and holding meetings, rallies, pickets, street processions and demonstrations) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the authorities earlier assured that Bokaev and Aan will not be brought to criminal responsibility for participating in land rallies.

On March 14, 2019, it became known that the European Parliament adopted a resolution with a call to the authorities of Kazakhstan to stop all forms of political repression in the country. The European Parliament also called on to immediately release "all activists and political prisoners, currently behind bars," calling among the political prisoners and Max Bokayeva.

On July 29, 2019, it became known that Talgat Ayan was ahead of schedule.

On May 20, 2020, the famous Kazakhstan activist from Atyrau Max Bokaev, serving a sentence in Aktobe in the case of land rallies, warned about possible provocation from the employees of a correctional institution - the audio recording of the conversation with him was published by a journalist and politician Janbolat Mamai.

On July 1, it was reported that 12 US senators turned with a letter to President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev with a request to release Max Bokayev's activists and Asset Abisev. In the US Senate posted on the official website, the letter said that "no one should be imprisoned for the exercise of their rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech, and we urge you to release without the prior conditions of your citizens currently in custody for these legitimate actions".

On January 6, 2020, it became known that Bokayev could enter freedom to admine at the beginning of February. On January 22, the court established an adhesiveness over a spherical term for three years. February 4 Activist was released.

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