Washing on Vasilyevsky Island want to expand - citizens fear new problems with infrastructure. What is known about the project


Public discussions on documents on the Vasilyevsky Island, which should appear in 2026 began in St. Petersburg. On the plot are going to build another residential complex.

Part of the townspeople opposes the project. People fear for the environment and complain about problems with roads, schools and kindergartens on the existing territory of Namo. "Paper" tells what is known about the situation.

On Vasilyevsky Island by 2026 will expand the lash for development

In St. Petersburg, public discussions of documents on washing began, which by 2026 they want to create in the western part of Vasilyevsky Island. In questionnaires, citizens are asked if it is possible to estimate the impact of the project on nature through published data. Opinions about the project do not suggest.

Over the development plan to create in two stages - from 2022 to 2024 and from 2025 to 2026 years. The area of ​​the territory will be almost 163 hectares, the volume of the mound is 9.5 million cubic meters. As follows from the explanatory note, there were already work on the territory, therefore, in some places, the height is close to the necessary. Nevertheless, within the boundaries there are "plots of large depths", which may complicate work.

Washing on Vasilyevsky Island want to expand - citizens fear new problems with infrastructure. What is known about the project 9430_1
Borders of Namuh

It was known about Namav on this territory: the first project was approved by Smolny in 2007. In 2014, the documents made a number of changes regarding, for example, roads and high-rise buildings.

Washed by the company "LSR". There are going to build a residential complex

A subsidiary of LSR will be engaged in the creation of a Namoha on Vasilyevsky Island. She received the right to create a nama and the subsequent development, when a project was bought for 3 billion rubles from the "Sberbank" of Terra Nova. Experts called the transaction of the largest in the Land Market in St. Petersburg in recent years.

As reported to LSR, the company plans to build a residential complex on a namav, the total area of ​​apartments in which will be 700 thousand square meters. Another 260 thousand square meters should take public business objects. The developer also promised to build three schools and six kindergartens and landscaping the embankment of the Finnish Bay and the River Smolenki.

"LSR. Basic "owns a specialized fleet. The sandy soil plan to take from the workshops "Vorontsovskoye" and "Callelovo" in the Leningrad region, crushed stone and granite stone - from the village of Gavrilovo.

Part of the townspeople opposes the project. People complain that there is not enough infrastructure on the existing part of the scam

Some Petersburgers oppose the creation of another naming on Vasilyevsky island. Among them - the head of the MO "Harbor" Nancy Vavilina. She launched a survey in Vkontakte, in which more than 2 thousand people voted against the project.

The project also deputy Zaksa Boris Vishnevsky. He notes that on the existing part of the naming only "highlights without social and other infrastructure, without green areas, schools, shops, kindergartens, parking spaces."

The inhabitants of Namuha Vasilyevsky Islands have repeatedly complained of the undeveloped infrastructure of the district, as well as the quality of objects built there. For example, the owners of apartments in the LCD "I-Romantic" talked about the absence of roads and street landscaping.

Initially, Smolny promised to ensure the engineering, transport and social infrastructure, but later suggested developers to independently do networks, as well as the construction of schools and laying roads, because "in the budget the funds for it are not laid."

Now the inhabitants of Vasilyevsky Islands require a moratorium on the construction of any objects in the area, except socially necessary.

The first LCD on the Namiv was commissioned in 2016. Now there are several objects

The first house built on the Namava became the LCD "Captain Nemo" from the "Leader of Groups". However, he could not connect to communications for a long time and put into operation in 2018.

In 2016, Seven Suns Development passed the first LCD LCD "Light World" I-Romantic. " "Paper" told about the complaints of the owners of the apartments.

Now the construction on the naming in addition to the listed companies is engaged in Glorax Development (LCD Golden City) and "LSR" ("Sea Embankment").

Read also the paper "Paper" about the Samson plant, which was the country's largest meat processing plant, but in the 2000s went bankrupt. What is happening with a dilapidated monument building, which is surrounded by new buildings.

Photo on the cover: Sergey Kokkov / Kommersant

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