"I called and frightened": Lisa Arzamasov told about threats to his address



He told about how attacks from fraudsters.

He admitted that she was repeatedly tried to deceive souses.

Lisa Arzamasova, photo: ua-vk.ru

The 25-year-old wife of Averbuch shared with fans how he almost became a victim of intruders. In his instagram, the movie star published a post where "representatives of Sberbank" called "representatives of Sberbank" and reported that there were unknown persons from her card.

Today was the day of the "conversational genre." Not my horse, I will immediately say. But the mood has placed. At first they called "from Sberbank" fraudsters and scared me that money was removed from my card. On any extraneous question of the type "Girl, and what is your work experience in a bank" the caller began to be desperately stuttering and asked, they say "did not hear." Then something offended at all on me and threw the phone. "It's a pity," I thought, "I would even chat with her." Literally after 5 minutes, other fraudsters called, but with the question "I do not sell the stroller to Avito." With them, we are more exciting and talking longer, but they also "threw me" after I said that my "Male Policeman" will bring the stroller. And here I have a stock logic, apparently, because when I was stopped by a polite traffic police representative for checking documents and suddenly asked: "Where are you going"? - I almost started responding in detail. World where logic?



Subscribers cheated a sincere story Arzamasova and they supported the girl with comments.

"Lizonka, do not pay attention! The main thing is that you are beautiful! "," Not only beautiful, but also smart! "," Your sense of humor at a height! "," Lisa, raised the mood! "," And right! It is necessary to treat everything with the mind, "" the cool way invented. I'll take note! "," I love you for sincerity. You are so real! "

- wrote commentators.

Meanwhile, David Manukyan admitted how he got into the show business. And Mikhalkov criticized actors Bortich and Derevyko for income of 200 thousand rubles a day. In addition, Dmitry Shepelev made an offer to his beloved and declassified the floor of the future child.

And how do you react to calls of telephone fraudsters? Write about it in the comments.

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