Mosbery index will try again


Mosbery index will try again 9383_1

The Russian stock market yesterday was trading a little weaker than foreign analogues. The market has passed a small fixation of profits after the previous lift. However, the nature of the auction shows that there is no strong desire to sell papers, demand is still present.

Some fears again inspires the strengthening of the sanction rhetoric, this time from Europe. However, it seems to us that these risks can be ignored. Sanctions, if they even be, will not bring any damage to the economy and the largest issuers.

Suddenly, Sberbank (MCX: Sber) (-2.3%) collapsed without much reasons. Given that now the Sber has become a full dividend paper, the Bank's shares can be carefully chosen on the medium term.

Mosbery shares (MCX: MOEX) were traded against the market (MCX: MOEX), adding 1.7%. We have already noted that the paper ignored the growth of the beginning of the year, and now breaks up the side canal, trying to play the missed. The growth of the Issuer promises to continue.

In the overall negative bed, the shares of oil companies were traded, which is rather strange, considering the prices of oil and relatively weak ruble in recent months. Probably, traders began to lay in the quotes of the "oil market" the inevitable decrease in oil prices, which is quite logical.

Meanwhile, oil growth though slowed down, but there is no sales activation yet. Today, "black gold" is traded with a slight decline in yesterday's closure, but a similar picture is a decline in Asian bidding and further growth - in recent days we see often. However, we still wait for oil correction.

Today, in front of our discovery, the external background is positive: more than a third of the percent are added by American futures, industrial and precious metals are traded in the "green" zone, about 61 dollars per barrel costs oil.

So we will open with a little growth, gold miners, Norilskel (MCX: GMKN) and black metallurgists will look like a slightly better than the market.

However, a special desire to continue to grow and go to storming historical maxima is not yet visible.

Very volatile in recent days are trading by the ruble. It seems that the sanction risks are removed, and expensive oil needs to be played with growth, but large currency buyers constantly appear on the market.

Today, the ruble at the opening of trading will grow again. But ahead of the vapor Dollar-ruble strong support 73, for the breakdown of which we need good grounds.

Chief Analyst Alor Broker Alexey Antonov

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