Product Hunt: How from the mailing list has grown platform for new products


The founder of Product Hunt Ryan Hover graduated from the Faculty of Business at the University of Oregon, worked at the company in the field of games and IT, but threw a career because he loved to collect information about startups and share it.

The Product Hunt platform appeared in 20 minutes as a post office with a daily selection of information about new projects and startups. The first audience of the Hoover collected thanks to Twitter and help friends.

Mailing "For your" turned into a large platform, and after three years I bought angellist website for $ 20 million. Hoover received the Crunchies Prize for IT Blogs of the Silicon Valley for the best startup, was able to monetize it and continues to work on Product Hunt, adding new Functions.

From Oregon to San Francisco: the history of the founder Product Hunt
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Ryan Hover. Posted by: VOX.

Ryan Hover was born in Yujin - the second largest city in Oregon in the USA on April 20, 1980 in the family of entrepreneurs. His father had a video game store, several other projects and waste disposal service.

Hover told that parents since childhood taught him to launch something and look for non-standard ways to make money.

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Huvel parents. Posted by: Ryan Hoover

At 11 years old, Huver got a job in the Father video game store. The boy was instructed to monitor the operation of automatic machines with chewing elastic. Huver himself followed the profit and solved what kind of chewing machine. So he received an idea of ​​expenses, income and procurement - and the first $ 5.

Soon he became interested in developing sites. To create your own, teenager self assembled my first computer.

Hoover recalls: a boy studied at school with him - he told that he created the site and earned $ 100 thousand on him. Hover under the impression wanted to earn the same amount, planned to show banner advertising. At the age of 14, he launched the site, where he published comic learning and jokes. But it did not work out, after a couple of months he abandoned the idea.

After the Hoover she resold for eBay technique, worked as a lawn mower, he worked in a billiard club, was an employee of the lending center and the seller in the store's home store.

Despite the failure with the first site, Huvel was still interested in technology. He followed the news from IT and the gaming industry. The entrepreneur remembers that he always wanted to discuss them with someone. But in Yujin there were other interests: everyone was fond of sports, from which Hover was far away.

After school, he entered the University of Oregon to the Faculty of Business, which he himself described as "the place in which you do when you don't know how to do in life."

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University of Oregon, where he studied by Huver. Posted by:

At the last year of the University of Hoover, faded with programming and settled on an internship in Instant Action - a website with browser 3D games.

According to Huvel, at that time the company quickly changed the direction and employees, almost no one was delayed in one place for a long time. In the internship in Instant Action, the Hoover was looking for a new job for himself and followed the appearance of interesting firms. He wanted to work with startups, so I was looking for a place closer to San Francisco and Silicon Valley.

Andy Young, the head of Instant Action, suggested a job as a work. But soon Young himself left the company. In San Francisco, he founded a startup to promote and monetize games and Playhaven applications and called Huvel for the product of the product manager.

In 2010, Khutever switched to a new place. He worked with a team over the products, met with the developers of games, entrepreneurs from the Silicon Valley and built internal communications.

Three and a half years, Hover understood that he wanted to create something new. According to him, he began to lose interest in the gaming industry. Also, the company created a set of tools for developers, and he was not. Playhaven by 2013 turned into a large company, and the number of employees increased from 10 to 100 people.

Fucks wanted to be in a small startup again, where he could continue to grow and learn something new. He decided to quit the Playhaven as soon as I would understand what he wanted to do next.

From the mailing list to a full-fledged site for five days

The following six months of Hoover worked at Playhaven part-time. In the remaining time, he followed the projects about which Pandodaily, TechCrunch, Hacker News and other publications, and told about them in his Twitter.

In the middle of 2013, he launched a newsletter Startup Edition with information from the founders, followed by Hoover. It was an experiment that became the basis for Product Hunt.

One day, Hover realized that he spends a lot of time to find information about startups - had to visit too many sites. So the idea of ​​Product Hunt appeared - to create a place where entrepreneurs will be able to learn about new products and startups and discuss them with each other.

In November 2013, Huver launched a new mailing list. Subscribers Daily at 19:30 received letters with news on startups and ranking five best projects over the past day. Hover told that he launched the newsletter in just 20 minutes.

To find out about new interesting products, friends and familiar investors helped him. With many of them, he met on the Internet. With one of the first investors, Product Hunt, Nir Eila Khuver began to communicate after introduced it to the list of "13 people who wanted to meet in 2013" and published him in a personal blog. The developer of Nathan Basho met in the comments on the exchange of links.

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. Author:

According to the partner of Product Hunt from the venture company Greylock Josh Elman, Hover first himself offered the founders of companies to tell about their business, but later everything was the opposite. Then the mailing was only 200 subscribers, but all with positive feedback.

At the end of October 2013, Huver began to cooperate with the subscriber Nathan Basho. He was the developer of sites and applications on the GENERAL ASSEMBLY platform. Hoover asked the Basho to help with the creation of the site.

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The first letter of Huvel to Email Basho asking for recommendations. Posted by: medium

He shared a vision with the Basho and sent him a document in which she listed the work and wishes, ranging from the description of the target, the target audience and describing the site pages to the list of competitors.

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An option of a new mailing format, which Hover offered a Basho. Posted by: medium

With the help of a basho for five weekends on the eve of Thanksgiving Day, the application, the site and the mailing format was determined. A feature of Product Hunt was the distribution of messages by day, the subscriber daily received a letter with a list of new products for the current day.

The rating of each day remained and always remained affordable. The idea was borrowed from Linkydink - a service that allowed to share links by email.

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The final version of the distribution that was created by the Basho. Posted by: medium
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Nathan Basho Zimbio. Posted by: zimbio.

The launch of the site of Huver and Basho wanted to illuminate in the media. Familiar Huvel from the publication Pandodaily Carmel de Amitis agreed to meet him and take an interview. The next day, on December 4, 2013, an article on the Product Hunt was released, in which the Hoover told about the company, its history and concept.

Immediately after entering the article, the number of subscribers increased from C 200 to 400.

Promotion and development

After the launch of the Hoover and the Basho carefully followed readers and analyzed subscribers.

New readers were looking for manually. The Basho and Khouver were looking for people in social networks who could be interested in the topic of Product Hunt, and wrote them to mail - they talked about their company and sent a link to an article in Pando Daily. They also asked friends and long-standing subscribers to invite acquaintances. Most was a couple of potential new participants who joined the mailing list.

Hoover believes that the increase in the audience manually made it possible to create an involved community that could not be if users were attracted by advertising.

After 20 days from the date of the official launch, 2000 people subscribed to Product Hunt. Over the creation of the community left a year and a half.

In Product Hunt, for the first time, the launch information appeared:

  • Daily from Buffer, which, based on user profile information on Facebook and Twitter, recommends that content.
  • Notifyr service, which allowed to view notifications on a computer without removing the phone from the pocket.
  • About BarkBuddy for those who would like to take a pet from a shelter.

In 2014, Product Hunt got into the Y Combinator incubator. Unlike others, Huvel startup was already successful and with a growing user base. In the fall of the same year, Product Hunt received $ 7 million investments from Andreessen Horowitz.

On February 5, 2015, the Huvers project received the annual Crunchie Prize "Best New Startup 2014".

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. Author:

In September 2015, Product Hunt launched podcasts. But already in 2016 he refused them, considering that they were not suitable for the format of the project. At the same time, the company launched a mobile application on iOS.

According to Huvel, in 2016 he began to look for buyers who could reduce risks for business or accelerate growth. From the very foundation of Product Hunt, Huver studied ways of monetization. At that time, only partner links brought earnings.

Hover understood that there would be much time and strength on the monetization of the startup, and decided to join a large company. In 2016, the American platform for investors Angellist bought the platform for $ 20 million. Soon after the transaction, Product Hunt announced the emergence of the first revenue project in the first quarter of 2017.

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. Author:

In 2017, Product Hunt launched a set of SHIP tools - with it, entrepreneurs can tell about the launch of the product and find the first customers. It includes, for example, a service for creating lending. There is a basic free tariff, as well as Pro, which costs $ 79 per month, and Super Pro - for $ 249 per month.

On the site you can buy advertising. But the company put forward several rules:

  1. Only one product is moving per day.
  2. For advertising you need to reserve a specific date.
  3. Now prices are not recorded and depend on the demand of the market on a specific day (usually $ 4000).
  4. You can only promote those products that have previously been mentioned in Product Hunt.
  5. A project that is advertised is always ranked fourth in a daily ranking.

The site has a section with vacancies - publish the ad can be available for $ 299. The ad holds for 30 days.

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Packages of proposals for publication vacancies for companies. Author: Feedough Financing Projects and Base of Mentors: What happens in 2020

In 2020, Hover together with the Chapterone, Shrung Capital and WeekendFund found funds launched the Fundrise From Home platform. The goal is to help startups to attract financing in the early stages during a pandemic.

Founders write a small video about their project and publish it on the site. Investors browse them and vote for the best. After another qualifying round, investors are associated with the founders for financing.

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Work algorithm. Posted by: Fundraise from Home
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List of investors on the site. Posted by: Fundraise from Home

In 2020, the platform launched a service with mentors - experienced programmers, designers, marketers, researchers and others. About each mentor is available information. A suitable specialist can be called and consult. Each mentor sets its own size of the fee in accordance with the experience.

To consult about the creation of the product and attracting an audience about $ 300, it is also possible with Hover. The funds he gets working as a mentor go to charity.

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