Stellantis is already looking for partners.


The joint venture Stellantis and Total plans to organize the production of batteries in France and Germany at factories.

Stellantis is already looking for partners. 9367_1

General Director Jan Vincent said that the ACC, the joint venture of Stellantis and the energy giant Total for the production of batteries, seeks to establish an acb release for electric vehicles of other automakers. Production starts already in 2023.

A joint venture officially started work six months ago and just start the state verification of his first factory in Doveré, in the north of France. The initial power will be eight gigabath-hours, and by 2030 will grow at least up to 24 gigavatt hours.

It is expected that the second plant, the construction of which is planned in Kaiserslaturne, Germany, will begin production in 2025, also with a planned capacity of at least 24 GW / h.

Stellantis is already looking for partners. 9367_2

According to ACC, after the construction of two plants, the total investment will be 5 billion euros, and they will be able to supply batteries for 1 million electric vehicles per year. Of these investments, 26% will be financed by the French government (846 million euros) and Germany (437 million euros).

The European Union considers the production of batteries for electric vehicles priority in the strategic interests of the block in order to provide self-sufficiency in 2025.

ACC, which is AUTOMOTIVE CELLS, was created in counterweight to Asian dominance on the battery market for electric vehicles, said Vincent on Tuesday to an online event. He noted that 85% of batteries for electric vehicles in Europe are produced in China, Japan or South Korea.

One of the potential customers is Renault Group of Companies, which concentrates the production of electric vehicles in the north of France. Renault expressed interest in joining ACC as a partner, but recently talked little about such an opportunity. Director General of Luka De Meo and Chairman of the Board Jean-Dominic Senar stated that it is important for the production of batteries to be located next to Renault production sites to reduce the cost of electric vehicles.

The ACC places its two factory at the enterprises that currently produce internal combustion engines for Stellantis, which, according to Vincent, was a strategic solution designed to help fill the upcoming decline in the production of gasoline and diesel power units. On Tuesday, Volvo Cars joined the growing list of automakers, which promise to produce only electric cars in the next 10-15 years.

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