"Billy Alish: Slightly Blurry Mir": Sad Voice of Generation Z


At the Apple TV + platform, the premiere of the documentary film about Billy Alish - American Singer-Wunderkind, at the age of 17, who wrote a debut album in the older brother's room and had a sensation in the world of pop music. A chaining bit of a couple with a unique timbre and piercing in its simplicity, honesty, teenage sadness, anger, love lyrics made songs Alish a hymn of a whole generation. And, as the film shows, they have become also in their own way to cope with fears and express feelings.

The director of the painting "Billy Aylish: A slightly blurred world" became AR Jay Cutler, formally - a representative of the generation of boomers (he was born in 1962), who took the movie about the icon of the current temers and twenty-year-old, calling themselves. Instead of the author and hero and old-fashioned optics expected in this case, which is not suitable for ultra-modern topics, a work appears on the screen, stylistically more than suitable and the other. On the one hand, the classic documentary history of the formation of an artist and in parallel "Roman of growing up", large-scale, for two and a half hours, almost exhaustive from the point of view of creative biography, built on all canons of the format and genre. On the other hand, shot without any "talking heads", as much as possible, diary, imprinted, but simultaneously escaping, like Storsith in Instagram, first-person story.

Billy and her brother Finnos O'Connell - composer, producer, singer, musician and co-author of the whole project - sit in his bedroom, inventing future hits. Fools, remove each other. She likes not to compose, but to fulfill, so one unfinished track flows into another composition. In the meantime, the compositions are already sounding on the radio, the label hurts with the album, the first tours and a completely different life. Although not so different: with the arrival of deafening glory, neither the back yard of the parental house will not go anywhere, where Billy and family will celebrate the receipt of five figurines of Grammy, nor an improvised musical studio in the bedroom, nor the first unhappy love, neither Turache Syndrome, Not anxiety of parents. Putting children freedom to choose the path of self-realization, they are always near - the first solo tour here as the first independent trip on its own car after receiving rights. Dad instructs a daughter, impatiently buried on the phone: "If you miss the desired turn or break the rules, find the way to return and do everything as needed."

"Slightly blurred world" is assembled not only from concert performances in the United States, Europe, Australia, but also from such domestic video taken into the most intimate moments. New sincerity (not to be confused with children's vision), which is permeated by all the work of Billy Isilish, judging by the film, not invented and the tightened stage image, and the truth of life. With fans, she shares all the same as used to share with his family, and what is now divided into a documentary for a large movie. Before it is another stadium and a thousand listeners, because of the old dance injury hurts leg, but you need to jump - "I am upset that I can not do for you that you came to which you came, but I am just enough to make it " Another time it will pay together with all the hall under the song about the impossible love - such that he just survived. And at the end it will call "Krash" Justin Bieber, according to which Billy went crazy from 11 years old - and it costs everyone "Grammy".

"Slightly blurred world" very modernly reduces the distance between the idol and fans, allowing you not to just look behind the scenes, but to approach much closer. There, where not only victories, but also small daily, human, lesions. Pain from separation with friends and physical pain from infinite loads, nervous ticks against the background of turret syndrome and the inevitable breakdowns from fatigue, endless family tenderness and trust and youthful disgrace on the verge of protest. Easy attitude towards yourself and to life and professional perfectionism, which is not expecting from 17 and even 19-year-old singer.

Billy is angry when it is impossible to take the right note, and writes a voice until it turns out - let everyone around says that it is so good. Billy sadness, when the movements on the stage are apparent - and will dance even in the gypsum. Billy style teeth and will listen to mom, which hurts that you need to take care of yourself to cure injury. "What is broken, forever remained broken," these words about the ill-fated leg and not only. Dym, which has its generation, is swaying in each row, in every note, in each frame of the film. But this is life, the future and its heroes, more precisely - the heroine. And if this future has such a person, such a voice, such sincerity, ethics, attitude towards yourself, family and work, to award-winning, to fans and to Justin Biber, then humanity has a definitely chance.

"Billy Alish: A slightly blurred world" is available on the Apple TV + C platform on February 26.

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