5 insulation errors that begin beginners

5 insulation errors that begin beginners 9358_1
5 insulation errors, which are not known for newcomers Ekaterina Volotkovich

Insulation is an important stage of the construction of any structure, especially if we are talking about Russian realities. The climate in our country is far from such a beautiful, as somewhere on Bali, the winter is dry here in most regions, and the periods of off-season - is far from the fairy tale absolutely in any corner of our homeland. A good high-quality insulation will help reduce heat loss in any room and will provide comfortable stay in the house. However, it is important not only to buy a good material, but also to put it right. However, people without experience in the sphere of construction quite often admit gross errors in this process. Consider the top 5 insulation errors that can be easily avoided and make your home the warmest and comfortable. Gear No. 1 - the insulation warms

5 insulation errors that begin beginners 9358_2
By itself, the insulation is heated can Catherine Volotkovich

For some reason, many believe that any insulation material is able to warm. Experienced builders or those who just know well physics can safely laugh into a voice to such a statement. But, unfortunately, people who are lowered in these areas can easily say this is such a phrase: the insulation warms. And they will be in the root of the wrong. The fact that no insulation will never warm themselves in itself. For the sake of the experiment, you can measure the temperature of the insulation, located on the street - it will not be warm even on the half-generated (provided that the air temperature also remains unchanged).

5 insulation errors, which are not known for newcomers Ekaterina Volotkovich

Expert's opinion: Afanasyev E.V. Head editor of STROYDAY.RU.Inger. The question is the question of expertly to get acquainted with my material about the warming of a wooden house outside. The source of heat can only be something that emails some kind of energy. For example, this is a human body or heating radiator. They exude warmly, due to which something nearby can be heated. And the insulation, like our outerwear with you, are designed not to warm, but to keep warm. Remember: if there is no source of heat (for example, the heating system of the house), then even the most expensive insulation will not make a single structure warmer - it will increase in any case.

Error number 2 - partial insulation

5 insulation errors that begin beginners 9358_3
Warming will be effective only if it is complete Ekaterina Volotkovich

If you warm something, then only completely. Absolutely no point in laying insulation only in the area of ​​walls or monolithic belt. It will be the same as to get into the cold outside in one fur coat, without boots and caps. You still freeze. Do not know how and how to determine heat leaks? Check out the material on how to choose the thermal imager and for what purposes it is suitable. The process of insulation should always be comprehensive. That is, the insulation must be stacked throughout the perimeter of the building. Moreover, it is necessary with the closure of all seams and a decrease in the number of cold bridges. Otherwise, the cold will quickly penetrate the room and increase the costs of its heating. Gear No. 3 - improper use of insulation

5 insulation errors that begin beginners 9358_4
Warming inside and outside Ekaterina Volotkovich

When choosing a material to be used, it is necessary to take into account not only the general rules for mounting the insulation, but also recommendations on the use of a particular material. Usually insulation materials are not recommended from the inside. In most cases, it is even prohibited. Yes, the house will be warm enough, but at the same time the materials of the walls will constantly pass the cycles of heating and freezing, and therefore faster it faster. In addition, there is a risk of condensate formation where it should not be. Yes, and heat loss in general will be higher, the house will be more difficult to heat up. We recommend to get acquainted with the material - how to determine the dew point, as well as choose the insulation for the walls of the house and what errors when choosing the insulation is better not allowed. However, insulating insulation is also justified from the inside. For example, the same EPPS is better to use just from the inside, and not outside the room. This is due precisely with the characteristics of the material. So, when choosing a method for installing insulation, be sure to consider and recommendations on the use of insulation themselves. However, most of them still should be mounted on the outdoor part of the buildings.

5 insulation errors, which are not known for newcomers Ekaterina Volotkovich

Expert's opinion: Afanasyev E.V. Head editor of STROYDAY.RU.Inger. For example, the question is expert by my material - what to choose the material for the insulation of the outer wall

Error number 4 - incorrect insulation of pipes

5 insulation errors that begin beginners 9358_5
Do not neglect the insulation of pipes Ekaterina Volotkovich

You need to warm communication! And you need to do it correctly. Do not shift the pipes passing at a small depth in the ground, slices of insulation, and purchase a good tubular option, which will help completely close the communication and protect them from heat loss. Remember that the pipes you put into the ground is not at great depth, and the partial closure of them will not be an obstacle to the cold. But here it is important to take into account several factors at once: the region of living, the depth of freezing the soil in the winter, properties and features of the insulation, the type of communication and much more.

5 insulation errors, which are not known for newcomers Ekaterina Volotkovich

Expert's opinion: Afanasyev E.V. Head editor of the project Stroyday.ru.ingerer. For example, the question is expert material about the correct thermal insulation of pipes in the ground.

Error number 5 - no insulation of foundation and improper insulation

5 insulation errors that begin beginners 9358_6
Foundation insulation outside Ekaterina Volotkovich

Above, we said that the structure should be warmed completely, and not partially. Otherwise, it simply will not be sense from insulation. Therefore, it is impossible to forget about the insulation of the foundation. And it does not matter whether you have a basement or it is missing. Even if it is somewhat lower than the soil freezing point, it will still be useful insulation, because it will help to save on heating. We recommend you to get acquainted with my material about the insulation of the base and the foundation outside. If there is no basement, then the foundation is required, because the foundation is required. It will be right in that plane where the ground will freeze. If this is not done, then be prepared for the swelling of the soils. Yes, the scene around the house in this case is also good to insulate. On a notic! If you live in a region where there are no strong frosts, then you can refuse the insulation of the foundation, providing it only to the protection against moisture. Calculator calculating the thickness of the woodcutting of wooden floors to calculations

5 insulation errors, which are not known for newcomers Ekaterina Volotkovich

Expert's opinion: Afanasyev E.V. Head editor of the Stroyday.ru project. The question is the question of expertiously with my step-by-step instructions for the correct insulation of the floor in the frame household. But if you carefully come up to the question of ensuring the conservation of heat and take into account the moments described above, then you can avoid the mass of trouble.

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