"Wanda / Vihn" is trying to get away from the Canon Marvel and at the same time announce his future


It is difficult to believe it, but "Avengers" did not appear on the screens for a year and a half. And the fault is not only a pandemic, but also preparation for the launch of the fourth phase of the film marvel.

A long break is explained, obviously, also the fact that the team broke up with Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), which from the very first cycle was an unconditional leader both at the level of the plot and in the sense of control over the audience sympathies. Despite the many released films, it was not possible to take a place of iron man, nor Captain America. The only way out was multipolarity, which is likely to become a cross-cutting theme of the next era. It was decided to start with the development of new territories: "Wanda / Vizhn" is not the only teleposition of the film, ahead of the series about Loki, Falcon and a winter soldier.

So, three years after the events of the film "Avengers: Final" Alay Witch Wanda Makimimif (Elizabeth Olsen) and Android Vihn (Paul Bettany) are settled in a neat lodge in the town of the opponent. For the purpose of conspiracy, they depict ordinary people (VIZHN even turns into a real, non-red, betthanie), but something all the time goes wrong. Then the neighbors are barely become witnesses to the culinary telefership of Vanda, then Vihn, having wiped up a gum, suits the view in the genre "Fakir was drunk." The action until a certain point unfolds in a black and white palette, and because of the frame there are invisible spectators, but in this ommode the classical American Sitcomm is obviously something wrong. And now the multicolored helicopter drone of the organization "M.Ch." unexpectedly flies on the monochrome lawn, and the radio receiver suddenly accessed.

The first three series "Vanda / Vizhn" looked aligningly strange retro, and the premieres premiere trailers were only confused even more. Associations with the films of David Lynch (from the "Twin Picca" to so much and not filmed "Rabbits"), but in practice, the relationship does not have a relationship to "Vanda / Vizhn". Lynchevian visualness does not fit well with the reality of men and women in Triko - except as a plug-in novel or bad sleep. Fans of the original Marvel comic books almost immediately after the start of the show began to put forward a variety of theories, but the producer Kevin Faigi has repeatedly deceived expectations of Gicks, so it remained waiting for clarification in the course of viewing.

To the fourth episode, the series was published in the familiar MARVEL films and, apparently, the notorious fourth phase is devoted to the concept of multiple worlds. The creators have already said that the plot "Wanda / Vihn" is directly connected with the film "Dr. Strøndzh: in Multivesened Madness", which should go on the hire next year.

Look at all this is curious, but so far rather strange. There is a feeling that Marvel, despite the box office, is somewhat shy up of their origin. It is with this that the postmodern revolution is connected underlying the aesthetics of the series. This is not at all Arthaus, but here almost nothing is clear here, but to look at the time that happens on the screen is uncomfortable. Strange large plans, psychedelic installation, constant matrix malfunctions, mysterious final titers, vague voice-over laughing (the first series was even filmed with a lively audience). In the end, we remember that Vizhn died in the last film, and here he is still alive and healthy.

On the other hand, the continuation of the product line is Disney + intrigues: Claims for high art look like analyapo, but still it is interesting how much Marvel will be able to transfer their dear moon-park to television screens. Another thing is that the audience from the world, where the age of storming the capitol with the horns and in the skins, madness of "Vanda / Vizhn" may seem somewhat excessive.

Photo: Walt Disney Television

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