Digital platform "State services. We decide together "will start working in Ugra

Digital platform
Digital platform "State services. We decide together "will start working in Ugra

By the end of the year, the service will be launched in all subjects of the country, regional and municipal authorities.

This platform allows you to organize activities in several directions, including work with citizens' appeals with the possibility of operational control of the resolution of issues, conducting online surveys on socially significant topics for the population and public discussions of local issues.

"In the formation of the Government Coordination Center, a special emphasis is on the possibility of obtaining operational, qualitative feedback from the population. PIC functionality allows you to solve this task. And the leaders of digital transformation should carry out the client service of the platform work, including tracking the quality of working out the appeals of citizens, forming a matrix of systemic problems for further adoption by the authorities of timely and competent management decisions. An important option for citizens on the digital platform is the ability to track the processing status, as well as to estimate the quality of the response or decision, "said Dmitry Chernyshenko, said the quality of the response or decision.

The pilot on the introduction of the feedback platform began in 2019, the Ministry of Culture and Nine subjects of the Russian Federation participated in it, including the Ugra. Only over the past three months on the platform from the inhabitants of the district received 9,181 appeals, 8,768 of them were decided.

Note, in 2020, the platform was used in federal executive bodies. Thus, on a single portal, the state service was posted services that allow citizens to report difficulties with vaccination from COVID-19 and problems with a challenge of emergency medical care in a pandemic. In addition, the mining service was posted for feedback from parents of junior classes on the organization of hot nutrition in schools.

Recall a digital feedback platform "State services. We decide together "was created on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin as part of the Federal Digital State Administration of the National Project" Digital Economics ".

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