Problems with M-7 in the Vladimir region on the control of the State Duma deputy


This week, Senator Olga Khokhlov, State Duma deputy Igor Igoshin, and also the heads of a number of municipal regions of the Vladimir region held a meeting with the leadership of the Federal Road Agency Rosavtodor. The main goal is to discuss how to make the M-7 secure and as much as possible in the interests of the inhabitants.

Problems with M-7 in the Vladimir region on the control of the State Duma deputy 9332_1

The conversation, in particular, went about the Kameshkovsky and Kovrovsky districts. The parties agreed that in May of this year, after determining during the trading contractor, supports and roadside coverage in the village of Novaya Bivka Kameshkovsky District will be installed. The court decision will be fulfilled, although a little earlier was planned to postpone him again for a while. But the safety of people is most expensive, so this item will be executed promptly.

Another important question that worries many residents of the Vladimir region is a turn in Senin courtyards. The decision on it is accepted: after March holidays, the head of road management Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod will be published in the territory. On the task of Novikov's novel, he will appreciate the possibility of adoption, albeit temporary, decisions on the left turn from Vladimir on carpets and turn from Kovrov to Nizhny Novgorod by expanding the carriageway and construction of the third strip for these maneuvers. In the future, it is planned to build a capital two-level junction, or to maintain a traffic light movement, increasing the strip.

- No roads, of course, we cannot do without the arteries of the economy, the way of communication of people. Recently, President Vladimir Putin drew attention to the need to "sew" the country, help people move. All this is true. But, solving this task, it is important not to forget about those who live near the federal routes. The interests of people should be accounted for. Olga Khokhlova's senator, the heads of administrations consistently achieve in order for the M-7 highway to be comfortable and secure, responded to the needs of the inhabitants of our region and certainly did not complicate their lives. I am glad that at the federal level they hear us, "Igor Igoshin stressed.

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