Ocaling in a butt - an easy way to rejuvenate apple orchard


Good afternoon, my reader. The technique "in the butt" is also known as the "Pag" by the shield ". It is extremely simple and provides the best contact between the cambial layers of the lead and the stock. The essence of such a method of vaccination of plants is reduced to the fact that the shield from the cortex, cut off from the stock, is replaced in exactly the same in the form and size of the shield from a multiplying plant.

Ocaling in a butt - an easy way to rejuvenate apple orchard 9314_1
Ocaling in a butt - an easy way to rejuvenate apple-garden nonsense

Apple Garden (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

The main reasons for this procedure is the need to rejuvenate the tree, if in recent years there is a significant reduction in its fruiting, as well as the reproduction of cultural varieties.

As a solution, both the sleeping kidney can be used and germinating. It is one of the most common methods of reproduction of fruit crops, such as apple and pears.

As for various varieties of apple trees, the eyepiece in the butt is recommended from the end of July to mid-August, provided that there are kidneys on shoots.

As a platform, they choose the weathered vegetative shoots of the current year. It is important that they have healthy leaves and smooth bark. You should also pick up the cuttings of an approximate one diameter with a trip so that during the incisection it was possible to easily combine the rendering flap with a cut into stock.

  1. A few days before the procedure from the bottom of the stock at a distance of 30-40 cm delete all the leaves and side shoots.
  2. Abundant to pour a plant-dive.
  3. On the day of vaccination or per day before it is to choose healthy cuttings with a smooth bark with a length of 25-40 cm, on the stems of which there is at least one kidney.

Attention! If the cuttings are harvested in advance, they must be placed in a water vessel.

  1. Cut the leaves from cuttings, leaving only cuttings.
  2. On the stem of the stock cut off the shield with a length of 3.4-5 cm.
  3. Cut the shield with a palate with a pile and a cushion exactly the same size and the same shape as on the break.
  4. Place a shield with a kidney into the nest formed.
  5. Take the place of vaccination vaccination.
Ocaling in a butt - an easy way to rejuvenate apple orchard 9314_2
Ocaling in a butt - an easy way to rejuvenate apple-garden nonsense

Apple tree (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

After a couple of weeks, the kidney battle must happen. Check the success of the procedure can be carried out at the state of the pet.

  • If, after 2-3 weeks, the petiole is falling off at a slightly pressing on it - the fighting of the kidney with a trip was successful.
  • If the pet is blackened and remained in place, then the procedure will have to repeat again.

The next year in early spring, part of a low-grained kidney is removed, and smeared the location of the gardened garden. The grafting kidney moves into growth and becomes a new trunk of an apple tree. Also should be removed in a timely manner around the tree trunk.

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