Forgetful driver: German three weeks looking for parking on which left the car

Forgetful driver: German three weeks looking for parking on which left the car 9295_1

A 62-year-old resident of a small settlement in Germany arrived in Osnabruck, the third largest city in Lower Saxony, for an important meeting. The man had to spend a lot of time to find parking. But even longer he was looking for his own car after completing the meeting, writes, referring to NOZ.

Three-week searches for cars

On February 3, 2021, a 62-year-old German village sat down in his car and went on affairs in the neighboring city. For some time he spent in search of free parking, where he left the car. Parking Talon With the name of the garage, the man did not remain - the barrier was opened and, according to his daughter, the parking machine did not work.

Forgetful driver: German three weeks looking for parking on which left the car 9295_2

Therefore, the businessman just went to the meeting. But when the meeting, for which he came to the city, it ended, he did not know where he left the vehicle. The man spent several hours in search of property, but was forced to return home without a car.

Together with relatives, he again and again returned to the city in search of the car. They inspected at least 15 multi-storey car parks and underground garages.

Forgetful driver: German three weeks looking for parking on which left the car 9295_3
Forgetful driver. Photo: Noz.

Close Germans even created an advertisement on the network to attract local residents. And three weeks later, the car was found. Another man living in Osnabruck turned to the police and said that he saw a car in one of the garages in the city center.

Interestingly, for three weeks of staying cars in the parking lot, the forgetful driver was supposed to pay 437 euros. But the manager wants to cancel the parking fee. He believes that a man and his family must leave the Osnabruck with a good impression.

But with a car in the city of Great Britain there was a more unpleasant story. Right in front of the house of Men, elite cars disassembled intruders.

Photo: pexels.

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