Six books of Dr. Siusa will cease to publish due to racism

Six books of Dr. Siusa will cease to publish due to racism 9294_1

We understand what happened

On the birthday of the children's writer Dr. Siusa, it was announced that six of his books would not be printed.

The application was published on March 2 in social networks and on the website of Dr.Seuss Enterprises, which preserves the heritage of the writer.

The decision was made last year with the participation of invited experts, among whom were teachers. The following works will not be published: "If I had a zoo", "Feline Questionnaire", "On the side of the zebra", the "Mr. Elligot pool", "Just think that I saw it on Malberry Street", "Super -scrambled eggs".

"These books depict people offensively and wrong," the company says.

Dr.seuss Enterprises also stated that she had big plans - the company wants to become more inclusive.

Perhaps the reason for such a decision was the study of 2019, which again appeared shortly before the birthday of Dr. Siusa. The authors argued that racism literally permeates almost all the work of the writer. In his books allegedly flourishes the theme of white superiority.

Examples are also given. In one of the books, there are two African characters who wear loose dressings from the leaves, go barefoot and behave helpfully in front of a white man. And in the book "If I had a zoo" a white man, there are three Asian from "countries whose names whose names cannot pronounce." African and Asian people in books are depicted solely on the basis of the presentations of colonializers - like exotic dehumanized characters, who only want to please the white man, and among them there are no women or children.

For this reason, the American Education Association READ Across America eliminated all the books of Dr. Siusa from their annual reading calendar in 2018. And the former first US lady Melania Trump criticized in September 2017 for sacrificed the book of elementary school in Massachusetts. The librarian refused to accept books. Michelle Obama once read the books of the Writer to children at a special event.

It is noteworthy that Dr.seuss Enterprises and Dr. Susa's birthday coincided with the day of reading throughout America - March 2. President Joe Biden did not mention the writer and his work in his official report on this day, although this predecessor did this.

The news caused a large resonance in society - someone from politicians, activists and celebrities supported the decision, and someone defended the work of Sewage.

Dr. Sius (real name Theodore Siuz Heizel) - American Children's Writer and Writer. Posted by more than 40 children's books, including "green eggs and ham", "Cat in a hat", "Lorax" and "Greench - Christmas Thief." A special mention of the Pulitzer Prize "For half a century contribution to the education and development of American children and their parents" was awarded. It is considered the best-selling children's writer in English in the category of books for young children. Created more than 400 political cartoons, painted the posters for the army, wrote scenarios for propaganda military films during World War II.

And once we wrote about how a pregnant staged a photo session in Greencha.

In addition, we have an article about the scandal around another children's writer - Lewis Carroll.

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