How border dogs broke the regiment of the fascists in a hand-to-hand fight

How border dogs broke the regiment of the fascists in a hand-to-hand fight 929_1

In the history of the Great Patriotic War there were a lot of battles and battles, which for one or another reason, which is called, remained "for the scenes" ...

It was an ordinary fight, one of the thousands that was happening daily in the tragic for our country in July 1941, if it were not for one "but". The fight in Legsino has no analogues in the history of wars. Even by the standards of the terrible and tragic 1941, this fight went out for all the imaginable framework and clearly showed the Germans, with which opponent they faced in the face of the Russian soldier. To be more accurate, then in that battle, the Germans confronted not even parts of the Red Army, but the border troops of the NKVD.

On July 30, 1941, near the Ukrainian village of Legnedzino, an attempt was made to stop the coming part of the Wehrmacht forces by the pylon bartalon forces of a separate Kolomenta commandant under the command of Major of Rodion Filippov with the Lviv school of the Lviv school of border dog breeding.

At the disposal of Major Filippov there were less than 500 border guards and about 150 service dogs. Heavy weapons did not have a battalion, and in general it was simply by definition should not be fighting in an open field with a regular army, especially superior to it numerically and efficiently. But it was the last reserve, and Majora Filippov did not have anything else, how to send his fighters and dogs to a suicidal attack.

Moreover, in the most severe combat, the border guards managed to stop the infantry regiment of the Wehrmacht opposing them. Many German soldiers were confused by dogs, many died in hand-to-hand combat, and only the appearance on the battlefield of German tanks saved the regiment from shameful flight. Of course, against tanks border guards were powerless.

Nobody survived the Filippov battalion. All half a thousand fighters died, like 150 dogs. Rather, only one of the dogs survived from the dogs: the wounded shepherd went out of Legnedzino, even though, after the session, the Germans were shooting up all dogs, including even sitting on the chains. Apparently, it was firmly in that battle, if they have seated their anger on innocent animals.

The occupation authorities were not allowed to bury the dead border guards, and only by 1955, the remains of all the dead fighters of Major Filippov were found and buried in a fraternal grave near the rural school. 48 years later, in 2003, on voluntary donations of Ukrainian veterans of the Great Patriotic War and with the help of Kinologists of Ukraine on the outskirts of the village Legnedzino, a monument to the border guards-heroes and their four-legged pets, who honestly and to the end, at the cost of their own life, fulfilled their military debt .

Unfortunately, in the bloody clubs of the summer of 1941, establish the names of all border guards failed. Failed and after. Many of them are also buried by unknown, and out of 500 people managed to establish the names of only two heroes. Poltyski border guards deliberately went to death, quite definitely knowing that their attack against the personnel perfectly equipped regiment of the Wehrmacht would be a suicidal. But we must pay tribute to Majora Filippov: before death he managed to see how the Hitler's warriors who conquered the whole of Europe, tear on the part and chase, like hares, shepherds and destroy his border guards in hand-to-hand combat. For the sake of this MIG, it was worth living and die ...

How border dogs broke the regiment of the fascists in a hand-to-hand fight 929_2
Monument in Cherkashina 150 border psam
How border dogs broke the regiment of the fascists in a hand-to-hand fight 929_3
"Stop and worship. Here, in July 1941, they climbed into the last attack on the enemy the fighters of a separate Kolyomy border committee. 500 border guards and 150 of their service dogs have fallen death by brave in that fighting. They remained forever faithful oath, native land.

But the Russians also did not begin to fight, traditionally long stopping. There were still thousands of kilometers of territory, where each bush shoots; There were still Stalingrad and Kursk arc ahead, as well as the people, to defeat which is impossible simply by definition. And it was possible to understand all this could already in Ukraine, faced with Major Filippov's fighters. The Germans did not pay attention to this fight, having considered it with completely insignificant clashes, and in vain. For which many were then paid.

Be Hitler's generals a little smarter, as well as their Fuhrer, they would have to search for ways out of the adventures with the East Front for the summer of 1941. You can enter Russia, but there is few people who had to get back on her two, which once again very clearly proved Major Philippov and his fighters. It was then, in July 1941, long before Stalingrad and Kursk Arc, the prospects for the Wehrmacht became hopeless.

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