How to remove discomfort from small growth?

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How to remove discomfort from small growth? Photo: Depositphotos.

Despite multiple attempts to revise the canons of bodily beauty (and they have been taken at the dawn of the formation of humanity), some parameters remained unchanged. Because they are dictated by life itself. So for a woman is preferable to soft, rounded body lines, thick hair, gentle facial features. And for a man almost always - growth above average, relief muscle mass, genital of sufficient size.

But what was the hunter, landpash, the defender of his hearth and a numerous family, if the growth did not reach him to the canons laid for his historical time? Less forces, in order to hunt the wild beast on the hunt, the step size is shorter than that of the fellows, therefore it is harder to run, and feel "short" extremely uncomfortable.

Since then, little has changed. Ask any woman question: "What external data should your chosen one?" - And hear among the other desired qualities a high growth. Often, "little men" can not find a companion for a long time, suffering from it unbearably, angry and resorting to every household tricks (high heels, a headdress with an unimaginable tulley, the desire when talking with the lady to become a step, on tiptoe, etc. .).

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Photo: Depositphotos.

Not only that women do not see in them miners and defenders, but also unconsciously perceive them as children. And it completely exhausted the sexual attraction. Yes, and modern well-read girls are well aware that in marriage with a low-spirited man is a great chance to give birth to children with the same disadvantage.

Most of the low-speed representatives of strong sex consider themselves "people of the second grade" with a school bench. And their further formation as a person directly depends on the home environment, from the reaction of parents to the existing flaw. Someone rolls along the inclined, seeing the "parent sorrow" about the "Son-undercurrent", and then hearing caustic comments, jokes-booms about this (so native people, without understanding, becoming worse enemies). Another, not wanting to put up with humiliation, hesitates the "Napoleon complex" (a variety of a male complex of inferiority on the background of low growth). A person seeks to prove to everyone that, despite his height and fragility, he is capable of great achievements. Someone sells it at the micro level (within the family, the courtyard, the village), but someone's names for centuries eternal fall on the stories.

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Jacques-Louis David, "Napoleon on Saint-Bernard Pass" (third version), 1802 photos:

In addition to Napoleon (1.62 meters), a small height had A. V. Suvorov, A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, V. I. Lenin, I. V. Stalin, Maestro Paganini, Ch. Chaplin, Martin Scorsese, Pablo Picasso and many other persons who have changed the world.

We admire such giving actors as Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Andrei Smelov, Evgeny Stychkin, Gela Mesha. For some reason, looking at them, enthusiastic spectators do not notice that the idols of small growth. Right! We estimate their identity as a whole, the beauty and power of talent, charm, not decomposed on some individual components.

What minuses lose the "Napoleon complex", if it is not supported by talents, resource, a frantic desire to become someone significant, outstanding, noticeable to the whole world?

1. Excessive self-confidence. The more personality shows its arrogance and superiority, the more she is inside the shame for himself. With this shame should be struggling (as with fear) - by moving towards him. It is necessary to become more open for people, friendly, easy to communicate. The wall of the alienation, erected by a small man in the hope of hiding behind it from ridicule and tensions, repels the most benevolent people from him.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

2. Biased attitude towards people. At the same time, each failure is associated with their slight growth, believing that others simply come face to his carrier are not perceived seriously. Thus, small people take off responsibility for their own actions. Of course, at the same time, no achievements can be speech.

3. Aggressiveness. Often, the carriers of the complex are really aggressive, they simply do not withstand suffering and experiences, which is why the background irritation is constantly experiencing. And also want to show the world that is not so weak, as it seems at first glance, preferring the style of behavior when "the best defense is an attack."

4. Envy to high, strong men. Even if it is a little king and nearby - a dealer peasant. Many times noticed as "shorteys" in leadership positions slowed down the career growth of high employees, finding dozens of reasons for refusing them to increase.

5. Self-affirmation against the background of weak, dependent people: a gaslight in the family, cruelty to children and animals, sadism if the victim is impossible to protect themselves (a lot of bloody crimes are committed by men of small growth). As the saying goes, "Mal Klop, yes Wallow."

Well, if a small gentle man finds his way in politics, business, creativity, religious ministry. But this is not given to everyone.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

What if you or your close has this drawback?

  1. Take yourself as a whole (your height, eye color, bodily invoice, temperament type and other natural properties). Realize this as a given and no longer return to this issue.
  2. No need to feel like a "little man." This phrase is not about growing, but about self-satisfaction, the scale of the personality. "Little man" - a puppet in the hands of a cunning tyrant. But it's not about you!
  3. Choose girls for whom growth is not important. They are quite a few.
  4. Stop worrying what they think about you. If for some of them in the first place - human growth is, then these are their problems.

Little growth can be an incentive for big victories. Remember this.

Author - Oksana Arkadyevna Filatova

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