"We have only spaces to wear": hairdressers were allowed to work, but with strict restrictions


Prime Minister Krishjanis Karinsh requested the Ministry of Health to decide on the criteria for the work of the beauty industry in a coronavirus pandemic. But, as the head of the industry association Sabina Ulbert says, the criteria are very strict - designed last year. At the same time, the prolonged plain industry could be much greater threat from the point of view of epidemiological security than the careful renewal of its activities, Latvian Radio-4 reports.

"These criteria are already designed so clearly for each group of specialists, which I just can not imagine what else you can come up there. Specialists in this area, especially cosmetologists, have no right to start work without fulfilling all security requirements, "says Ulbert. According to her, in March in the salons of beauty, hairdressers and other similar institutions, disposable gloves, masks, minimum area requirements per client, etc. have introduced.

"Security measures have been strengthened to such an extent that it remains only to put on the Spacets, like the doctors who work with the" Sovid "-pacient," she believes.

In her opinion, the instruction of the premiere about the industry is due to the fact that everyone understands: the emergency has been delayed (and will be extended until April 6) and it is necessary to look for any decisions that will allow gradually, carefully resume the work of the industry.

Moreover, according to the President of the Association of Specialists in the field of beauty services, in officially operating (more precisely, there were no cases of infection from COVID-19. Lokdaun was introduced for quite a long time, and the situation with Coronavirus in the country has since deteriorated significantly. S. Ulberte believes that it may be partly due to the fact that the remaining wizard that remains without legal earnings provide services underway at home.

"There, of course, we cannot talk at all about compliance with hygiene and security conditions. And this is what I always want to explain to all ministers and instances: the only way to control these beauty services is to enable the official salons that are registered in health inspections and which can be checked. Even when the Minister of Health was Ilze Vinkele, I told her: if my office is in the register, if my working time knows, at any time someone can come and check how I work, do I have a mask, do I comply with the requirements . But if the sphere is worth it, we can not control anything, "the guest" Details "is sure.

The situation complicates the fact that due to popularity in the beauty industry of alternative tax regimes and, in particular, the regime of the payer's patent regime for a long time could not obtain normal access to benefits. It opened only after the regulation of these benefits was improved just taking into account the peculiarities of the industry.

"But our crisis lasts almost a year: despite the fact that from March from March could work, this does not mean that everything was fine. And we only receive normal benefits for January, "said Ulbert.

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