Main on Monday. The Ministry of Defense - about the "Escalating Policy of Tension" countries of the West, Lukashenko and Putin are found in Sochi

Main on Monday. The Ministry of Defense - about the
Main on Monday. The Ministry of Defense - about the
Main on Monday. The Ministry of Defense - about the
Main on Monday. The Ministry of Defense - about the
Main on Monday. The Ministry of Defense - about the
Main on Monday. The Ministry of Defense - about the

So, the next week traditionally begins with political news. The trial of Viktor Babarico continues - today the fourth court session will take place. As for the rest of the news, Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko are found in Sochi - the press service of the latter is already divided by photographs. The Ministry of Defense held a briefing, on which the "Escalating Policy" of the Western Escalating Policy was expressed in Minsk, the trial of the journalist Ekaterina Borisevich and the doctor Artem Sorokin continues. We tell about all the events just below.

Ministry of Defense: In case of continuation of the Western countries, the Escalating Policy of Belarus can take steps in the field of National Security

Today in the central office of officers in Minsk was a briefing of the head of the Department of International Military Cooperation. Oleg Warinov said that in 2020, the influence on the state of international military cooperation was provided by the "pandemic and disrespectful attitude of a number of states towards the will of the Belarusian people."

"The reaction to the election of the President of the Republic of Belarus has been politicized and is not aimed at developing good-neighborly relations. The situation (a set of external and internal security threats) demanded revaluation of the military-political situation. "

In the press release, it is also noted that in case of continuation of the countries of the West, the policies of the escalation of tension The Republic of Belarus reserves the right to take a number of additional steps in the field of national security in 2021.

In the court of Moscow district, the fourth meeting in the case of Viktor Babarico

So, today in the court of Moscow district takes place the next meeting in the case of Viktor Babarico. As the press service notes, the meeting is open, but it's difficult to get on it. But the situation in the courthouse is at this time.

Today, prosecutors continue to read accusations against the defendants. While the accusation is announced, Protecting Viktor Babarico simply listens. The next stage is the provision of charges of evidence of guilt. Protection will participate in their research. At the moment, after studying the materials of the investigation, the lawyers Babarico do not see evidence of those accusations that Viktor Dmitrievich are imposed, his press service reports.

In Sochi, they are preparing for the meeting of Lukashenko and Putin

Recall that today the meeting of Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin should be held in Krasnaya Polyana. It is reported that negotiations should begin in the afternoon. The press service of Lukashenko is already divided by photographs from the place of the event.

Court continues to journalist Ekaterina Borisevich

Today in Minsk continues the trial of the journalist Ekaterina Borisevich and the doctor Artem Sorokin.

In the morning, Katerina and Artema colleagues came to the courtroom in the court to support them. Recall, on Friday, the court said that the meeting would be closed. Because of this, the process, except accused, there are defenders and witnesses. They all gave a subscription of non-disclosure, so you cannot tell the details of the court.

As TUT.BY writes, now the witnesses began to call witnesses - ARTEMA Sorokin's colleagues.

(will be supplemented)

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