Look at what the future seen in the past

Look at what the future seen in the past 919_1
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_2
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_3
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_4
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_5
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_6
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_7
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Look at what the future seen in the past 919_10
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_11
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_12
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_13
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Look at what the future seen in the past 919_15
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_16
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_17
Look at what the future seen in the past 919_18

Today, looking at the next modern fantastic film, we think: yes, the times will come when the space ships are furious to the expanses of the universe, and the aliens of varying degrees are wrapped in Earth. And everything looks so natural and obvious. But it is worth viewing the fantastic films of the past, as with a head covers a Spanish shame or at best of the thought: what people were funny in their fantasies. But they will also think about the current fantastics in 50 or 100 years.

And this is the evidence: the future, how he was seen in the past. The selection published a BoredPanda resource.

In the 1930s of the last century, the appearance of video phones was predicted. Now this can surprise except a grandmother from a remote village

Here is such an advanced navigator for cars. It looks cool, but uncomfortable. By the way, the first car navigators looked like this, but with a smaller detail and the size of the "screen"

Telecomge! Incredible. Now the Internet replaces both television and a printed press. There is an opinion that soon we will return to the origins - newspapers and a pair of TV channels

Unmanned cars. They are developed not one decade, and almost happened

In 1956, they believed that someday the phones would become less

But the cat conquers the Sunsholding System

Futuristic concept of an airplane from the 70s. In the earthly attraction, this is unlikely to fly effectively, but on some Mars - quite

VR come from 1989. Even the design has almost changed

So in 1914, the 1950s were seen. The main thing is the hat on the spot

And so in the 40s represented the future of Teleshoping

And here is another type of "individual" means of movement. Here is the quintessence of the American Lifestyle

And so the future was seen back in the 1930s in the USSR

Sometimes dreamed that the Olympic Games in the 2020th will go like this ...

What do you understand in smart clock?

The conquest of galaxies in such spaces is difficult, but maybe

And this is the real prototype of the spacecraft to conquer other planets. It was developed in the GRUMMAN Aircraft Corp and tried to sell NASA in 1962

And this is a city protected from a nuclear strike.

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