In Bobruisk, the bus driver died behind the wheel. Passengers broke the glass cabin to brake

In Bobruisk, the bus driver died behind the wheel. Passengers broke the glass cabin to brake 916_1
In Bobruisk, the bus driver died behind the wheel. Passengers broke the glass cabin to brake 916_2
In Bobruisk, the bus driver died behind the wheel. Passengers broke the glass cabin to brake 916_3
In Bobruisk, the bus driver died behind the wheel. Passengers broke the glass cabin to brake 916_4
In Bobruisk, the bus driver died behind the wheel. Passengers broke the glass cabin to brake 916_5
In Bobruisk, the bus driver died behind the wheel. Passengers broke the glass cabin to brake 916_6

Today, at about 14:00 on Gogol Street in Bobruisk, the bus, the wheel of which was the man of 1961 of birth, lost control and drove on the green zone. According to preliminary information, the driver has become bad driving, they failed to save a man, reports "Commercial courier".

- The bus turned from 50 years in Hogol. Immediately around the turn - stop. The driver stopped, but the doors did not open. We ourselves unlocked the doors, and all passengers came out. After that, the bus took the left, left for the oncoming lane and then - on the green zone, - said the "commercial courier" the spouses Tatyana and Dmitry, who were among the passengers of this flight.

During the trip, Tatiana heard the Conductor offered the driver to go to the pharmacy for the medicine, but he refused.

It is reported that when the bus began to move along an unpredictable trajectory, men who drove this flight, ran into the salon (doors after forced unlocking remained unbroken). The glass partition between the cabin and the cab split. The driver's foot was removed from the gas pedal. The bus as a result stopped in some meters from the fence of private home ownership.

Police, employees of the Investigative Committee, the management of the bus fleet arrived at the scene.


In the traffic police, the Mogilev region clarified that everything happened in about 13:50. Outside the roadway left the city bus moving along the route 15a.

- It has been pre-established that, approaching the street of public transport "Street Semisalov", the bus stopped, but the driver did not open the door. The passengers were noted in the cabin in the cabin noted that the driver does not move, and opened the doors on their own. At this time, the bus began to move. Passengers went on the go. One of the passengers broke the glass of the driver's cabin and pulled the key from the ignition castle, they told in the traffic police.

As a result, no one has suffered. According to preliminary information, the driver died behind the wheel.

- on the fact of what has occurred checks. There is an investigative operational group on site. The circumstances of what happened, they added to the traffic police.

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