The welcome gift from the producers "masks" comforted the crying Aziz


The participation of Aziza in the project made a lot of noise and turned out to be the most controversial and loud for two seasons

The welcome gift from the producers

The scandalous care of Aziza is already disassembled on the network for the third day. The actress left the show, but suddenly received a comforting prize as a gift. Thus, the creators of the show tried at least somehow compensate for the disappointment of the singer.

We remind, Aziza could not contain negative emotions and tears when members of the jury asked her to remove the mask. For the first time the final program was so dramatic.

As soon as the star showed a face, silence was hung in the hall, and Philip Kirkorov lost the gift of speech and grabbed his head (he is the chairman of the jury and it was his decision to declassify a penguin).

I will never forgive it!

- Divided the depressed Philip twice. He was confident that Anita Tsoi sings under the Penguin costume.

Recently it became known that Aziz was released not with empty hands - she took the egg with him, with whom her character performed on stage.

The welcome gift from the producers
Philip Kirkorov, Initially, my image was without an egg. But I specifically asked designers in the costumes so that they make it. I am grateful to the leadership of the show "Mask" for the fact that at the end of my participation in the project this egg gave me forever. My dream lives in it, which I will ever tell your readers

- Quotes the performer the interlocutor.

By the way, many viewers were offended by Aziz because she left the scene without fulfilling the final composition. But the actress itself assures - no one asked her to sing finally ...

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