What are the pines useful?

What are the pines useful? 9151_1
What are the pines useful? Photo: Depositphotos.

This high slender light-affilome tree is very common in the Eurasian continent. The healing properties of some parts of the plant people noticed for a long time. The culture of pine use in folk medicine in regions, where this plant forms large forest arrays is especially developed.

Pine kidney

They have the appearance of crowns at the ends of the branches. There are several lateral kidneys around the central kidney, but single kidneys are found. Their surface is covered with glued together with scales. Under them are undeveloped steam green needles. The kidneys have a characteristic resinous smell and bitter taste.

Pine kidneys for use as medicinal raw materials in their swelling, early spring. They are cut from branches with a sharp tool.

  • The pine buds contain essential oil, tannile substances, bitterness, resin, a large amount of vitamin C. As an important component, they are part of the means to combat cough, in diuretic fees, can be used in the preparation of integrated tools to combat vitamin C deficiency.
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Photo: Depositphotos.

Needle Pines

Pine needles are characterized by a high content of vitamin C, carotene, vitamin K. The same composition has the needles of other trees of the pine family, namely spruce, cedar. The maximum concentration of ascorbic acid is recorded in winter.

  • It was established that in pine branches collected in the fresh form and persisted in the snow, the concentration of vitamin C is not reduced for 2-3 months, unlike raw materials, which is stored in heated rooms. In this case, within 1-2 weeks, the amount of ascorbic acid can dry away.

In some regions where huge areas are busy with coniferous forests, Khvoy is considered one of the most affordable types of raw materials for the production of drugs preventing hypovitaminosis. Pine needles is of great importance in veterinary medicine and as a therapeutic agent, and as a vitamin supplement to food.

In addition, the recipe of T. F. Malodsky, according to which coniferous chlorophyll-carotine paste was prepared from pine needles. This remedy is rich in phytoncides, vitamins, including carotene. It has been applied as a height for the treatment of abrasions, burns and other epidermis defects.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

Application finds not only fresh needles, but also the remaining extracts and essential oil. Welding quietly separated from the branches, crushed and dried. The resulting coarse fiber material can be used as a padding.


At the entire height of the pine trunk, wood is permeated with numerous channels communicating with each other with horizontal tubules. These natural containers are filled with resin. A sticky liquid consisting of a resin and essential oil that fills the defect follows from damage to the cortex. This is its biological significance. This substance is known as the Zhivitsa.

Cleared with the help of distillation Zhivitsa is called turpentine. This is a mass of yellowish color, sticky.

  • Medical use is terrently limited: it is part of some types of patches.
  • The Allbiz is used in the production of complex bactericidal and wound healing agents.

With distillation of water steam, it turns out essential oil, which is called or zhivical, or turpentine, or turnenenov. Skipidar is a technical product that is used as a solvent of varnishes and paints. Resin, which remains after distillation, is called rosin. For medical purposes, this substance is used limited: in the composition of the plasters and clerks.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

For use for medical purposes, turpentine is distilled immediately. The resulting substance contains a large amount of terpenes. The turpentine is used as an outer agent as part of various ointments, balms, mixtures that have a local radiant and distracting effect. Such means are used for diseases of the joints, cold. One of the most famous such means is a turpentine ointment.

In addition to applying for skin, turpentar preparations can be used for inhalation as a disinfectant with respiratory diseases.


This is a substance that remains after dry distillation of wood. Fight comes part of a number of funds shown in use under skin diseases. Examples can serve as the ointment of Vishnevsky, Wilkinson's ointment, aqueous soap.

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Degtyar soap photo: Depositphotos

Pines not only adorn the landscape and create a huge part of the greenery on the planet. This tree consists of a variety of useful substances, is a storehouse of healing agents. No wonder, many notice that the well-being in pine forest is improved by itself.

Author - Ekaterina Majorova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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