5 favorite designers techniques that can repeat each


Kitchen without top tier

Kitchens with open top Designers love for an exotic look. This solution visually makes the kitchen more and lighter. However, there are nuances.

For example, the money saved on the upper cabinets will go to the ceiling hood of a box design, it is more expensive than the usual - hidden, built into the closet. And compensate for the lack of upper lockers will help the floor-to-ceiling cabinets.

5 favorite designers techniques that can repeat each 9130_1

Small odnushku with bedroom in niche

The interior you most like Laikal in 2019

Small odnushka with stylish repair

How to organize a kitchen on the site of the corridor?

Mirror in a narrow corridor

Mirror cabinet or mirror in a narrow corridor - a reception that works in any interior. The glossy surfaces reflect the light, and therefore, the space is visually increased.

Especially important for the darkest angles, such as an entrance hall.

5 favorite designers techniques that can repeat each 9130_2

Entrance hall

Light brown hallway

Light brown hallway

Single Functional Space for 70 sq. M. For married couple

Sliding interroom doors

Sliding doors save space, you can put the tumba near them and not be afraid that it will interfere with the opening door.

In addition, such doors can be selected in the tone of the walls or hide with the help of hidden mounting. At the expense of a hidden track built into the ceiling below, on the floor, there are no guides - the zones of the apartment as it were "flow" in each other.

5 favorite designers techniques that can repeat each 9130_3

Comfortable odnushki with mini-office and sliding partitions

How to arrange odnushku with living room and dressing room: real example

Bright small-sized with a modest budget

Small classroom plan

Bathroom installation cabinet

The built-in cabinet above the installation organizes a place for storage, even in the smallest bathroom. You can arrange the doors under the color of the decoration, so the cabinet hits and visually "eating" space.

Plus, it is easier for the closed storage system.

5 favorite designers techniques that can repeat each 9130_4

Bathroom black color

Bathroom light gray

Table window sill

If the height of the window opening allows, designers in their projects love to use the windowsill as a workplace.

Especially relevant when the customer is important to save each square meter. The main thing is to provide dense blinds, otherwise it will be inconvenient to work at the computer.

5 favorite designers techniques that can repeat each 9130_5

How to combine classic and modern design

Repair of small dials in the panel house

Amazing redevelopment of odnushki 38 m²

Convenient planning for 29 square meters

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