8 most influential Ladies in the history of the United States

8 most influential Ladies in the history of the United States 9124_1
8 most influential Ladies in the history of the USA Anna Kaz

The day is approaching when the new president will officially lead to America. Joe Bayden Inauguration will be held on January 20th. Due to the extreme political instability, the publication of the public is predominantly for the future of the president, but together with him the country will receive the new first ladies - Dr. Humanitarian Sciences Gill Biden. Over the past one hundred years, the functions of this role have expanded significantly thanks to the active spouses of the US heads. Time Out remembers the 8 main ladies in the history of America and their achievements.

The most validated: Abigail Fillmore

Abigeyl met with the future president of America Millard Filmore in 1818 at the Academy in New Hop, where she taught, and he was a student. The girl was just two years older than his student - at the time of dating he was 19 years old. In 1826, they got married. Abigeyl continued to work as a teacher at school until the birth of a son.

Of course, in the role of the first lady, which she occupied in 1850-1853, Fillmore was actively engaged in education. So, under her leadership was created the first library in the White House. It is difficult to believe, but earlier the US Congress categorically objected to the creation of a book in the dwelling of the president, fearing that he could become too powerful.

However, Abigail was seriously configured - and even herself chose books for the library. Her devotion to the topic of education has become a tradition for the next first ladies of the United States.

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The most revered: Eleanor Roosevelt

Franklin's wife Delado Roosevelt, who served as president in 1933-1945, is considered the most influential first lady in the history of the United States. She made a post, which before that was more decorative, meaningful and influential. Eleanor grew up in the wealth and luxury of the highest light, and in 1905 she married his six-core brother Franklin.

From the very beginning of the presidency of her husband, she used their position to promote global initiatives. Eleanor performed on the radio, traveled around the world, writing articles and satisfied the press conference. Its main topics were not only the reforms of the husband, but also civil rights and equality of women and men. In the international arena, she was engaged in the safe resettlement of children from fascist Germany.

The next US President Harry Truman, who called the Eleonora of the First Lady of the Others of the World, appointed it to the UN Assembly Delegate, where she participated in writing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In 1957, Mrs. Roosevelt visited the USSR: according to her, during her trip, she never heard laughter on the street and would never want to live there.

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The most stylish: Jacqueline Kennedy

Jackie graduated from George Washington University with a specialization in the field of French literature and managed to work in the newspaper. For example, it covered the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953 as a correspondent. By the way, Jacqueline journalism will come back after the death of his second husband.

John Kennedy's future wife spoke freely in French and Spanish, and also performed on Italian and Polish. People who communicated and worked with her have repeatedly noted the intellectual gifting of the first lady. But during the presidential term of her husband in 1961-1963, she was remembered primarily with the restoration of the White House and its stylish way. High white gloves, sleeveless dresses, massive sunglasses have become branded signs of Kennedy - she asked fashionable standards for which her successors would evaluate. The press criticized her for the non-patriotic selection of clothing brands, and Jackie tried to choose more American designers, but after leaving the White House returned to his favorite Chanel and Givenchy. The fulfillment of the role of the first lady ended for Jacqueline with the tragic murder of John Kennedy during a trip in the open limousine.

The most frank: Betty Ford

For Betty, Marriage with the future president of the United States Gerald Ford became the second that for America those years were at least unusual. However, the couple remembered an incredibly frank demonstration of feelings throughout his life in the White House in 1974-1977.

In an interview with 1975, Betty admitted that journalists had already asked her all possible questions, except as often he had sex with the president. Ford added that she would answer - "With any opportunity." The first lady talked about his democratic attitude to abortion, drugs and sex before marriage, which brought to the rage of the President's colleagues in the party, but fascinated the public. In 1975, Time called her "woman of the year". In the first year, the presidency of Betty's husband suffered a breast removal operation due to cancer: she frankly discussed what happened and called on the Americans to carefully take care of their health.

The image of Betty Ford excellent displays the scandalous photo made shortly before the chut fords left the white house forever. On it, the first lady is dancing barefoot on the table in the Cabinet of Ministers.

In the following years, Betty spoke about the fight against narcotic and alcohol dependencies and created the center of Betty Ford for those who encountered such problems.

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The most disciplined: Rosalin Carter

Rosalin's father died from leukemia when she was only 13 years old. She was the eldest of four children, so he took over the duties for the upbringing and care of the younger. Such childhood thoroughly prepared it to the role of the first lady, which Rosalin was in 1977-1981. With Jimmy Carter, they got married in 1945, raised four children and invariably impressed the couple in love. During the inauguration, the pair by hand went to the white house - the period of Carter passed the same way.

Rosalin became the first wife of the president who was present at the official meetings, she promoted her husband's initiative not only within the country, but also around the world. Jimmy Carter called the marriage on Rosalin the main event of his life. She was little concerned about the fashion: so, on the inauguration she put on a dress in which he had already appeared in public. The warmth and softness characteristic of the previous first ladies, she replaced the organization, for which the nickname "steel magnolia" received.

The main initiative of Rosalin was concern for people with mental illness: she tried to save the problem from stigma and increase the availability of psychological assistance, and continued to do this and outside the White House.

The most undervalued: Barbara Bush

Barbara is infrequent in the lists of the most influential first ladies. Her spouse George was president in 1989-1993. Barbara got acquainted with him at the age of 16: their engagement took place a year before he went to fight in World War II.

The status of a civil servant's wife was not always easy for Barbara. When Bush headed the CIA, he could not share the details of working with his wife. Isolation caused a depression from Barbara, the medicine was from the hospice. In the problems that Barbara engaged in, her personal experiences were reflected. She fought with illiteracy and promoted the love of literature, because one of her sons suffered to dyslexia, and supported cancer research, as her daughter died from him. Her visit to the clinic of Patients with AIDS attracted the attention of politicians to the topic, she also convinced her husband to engage in the problem of homeless.

Barbara was not shy to express unpopular among the Republicans of judgments: for example, she advocated abortion and was categorically against Trump even before he became president.

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The most ambitious: Hillary Clinton

On the nature and ambitiousness of the future first Lady, the fact that in childhood she followed the cosmic race between the USSR and the United States and even wrote a letter to NASA, wanting to become an astronaut. She graduated from Wellsli and Yel, received a doctoral degree, worked in law companies and in the Child Protection Fund.

During the presidency, Bill Hillary actively participated in state affairs. Of course, the real degree of her immersion in the work of the president was left by the secret - but this pair was very often called the convifestations. One of the main plans of the first lady was the intention to reform the health care system in America, to make it more affordable. In the international arena, Clinton was remembered by the Vital Voices program, which was engaged in the involvement of women in politics around the world.

After the end of the presidency of her husband, Hillary was a senator since 2001, the Secretary of State since 2009, and in 2016 he became the first female candidate for US president.

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The most democratic: Michelle Obama

The first in the history of the United States The first lady of African American origin occupied his post in 2008-2016. Unlike Obama-senior, a student from Kenya and the White American, Michelle family was closely connected with slavery in America. It is known for certain that her ancestors were treated as property in the work of slave owners.

Michelle studied in prestigious Princeton and Harvard, worked in law companies and in the Chicago City Hall. Being the first lady, she focused on acute for the US obesity problem among schoolchildren: her program Let's Move promoted sports and helped to achieve new standards of school food. And the international initiative Let Girls Learn called on to open with girls access to education around the world.

Michelle was remembered by the active use of social networks, relaxed TV interviews and the ability to look stylish both in the dresses from expensive designers and in the clothing purchased in the mass market.

Her autobiography "Formation", published in 2019, became financial and cultural success.

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