15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_1
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Let's labeam about warm sunny days and follow the fashionable image in the style of Bocho. We will help you with it! See our selection of magnificent hairstyles in this style and try to create. Moreover, summer all-such ever comes!

Bocho style is freedom, minimum effort and the complete opposite of dear glamorous flow. For this style, their features are characterized, for example, braids, ethnic accessories, light dishevement.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_2
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Beach wave and semi-free braids are an excellent basis for creating an image in the style of Bocho. Combine such a hairstyle with loose linen dresses, blue jeans or tops with large ruffles.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_3
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

In modern hairstyles, Bocho may not only be braids, but also various wicker elements. Look at this option of tails - they consist of twisted semi-free strands. Looks great!

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_4
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Shawls are also an integral part of the boho style. Make a large braid and stick a narrow handkerchief into it, wrapping it around the head of the dressing type. Jeans, top with fringe and you are ready for summer evenings!

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_5
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Bocho style has a lot in common with hippies. But this style is still a bit more accurate and feminine.

In order for the hair to have a suitable texture, apply a special salt spray on them for styling. Strands will become more dense and slightly wavy, and this is what is needed to create braids and weaves.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_6
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Long hair and flat wide braid. The magnificent and simple hairstyle, which can make any of you.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_7
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Today, in fashion, different types of braces in the style of Bocho, but narrow French pigtails on the side are the most perfect option. They can be braked almost at any length of hair.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_8
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Do not love braids? Then make twisted strands and collect them in such a fantasy tail. It looks interesting!

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_9
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

This option of a neat large braid is also very relevant and now, and will be the following in the summer. If you have long thick hair, then definitely try this convenient and universal hairstyle.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_10
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Slightly disheveled low beams can also be attributed to the booho style. Add a handkerchief to laying or volumetric tissue and your hairstyle will play a new style.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_11
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Several small braids, an accessory in the form of a chain with a floral ornament, round earrings-rings and a handkerchief - and now you are fully matching fashionable style. Magnificent image for the summer!

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_12
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Two narrow thin pigtails at the face - a fashionable way of laying, which will remain in such a minimum until the next summer. Want to feel like a star from the podium? Try you just such a laying!

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_13
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Wedding hairstyles in the style of boho - gentle, cute and air. They are not overloaded with details and suitable any hair texture. For example, this bulk low tail with an interesting node.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_14
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Low bundle and pair of pigtails - the hairstyle is simple, but stylish. Suitable long and middle hair in any season.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_15
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Bright and unusual! Excellent image for the summer festival. Several directions are connected here - both hippies, and boho, and glamor.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_16
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Bright color and unusual accessories also emphasize the style of the hairstyle. To achieve such an effect, use salt spray hair and toning in the "Strawberry Pink" color.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_17
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Middle Bob is also wonderful to create hairstyles in the style of Bocho. The main thing is to give hair a light wave and texture.

15 chic boho hairstyles that you want to repeat 912_18
15 gorgeous boho hairstyles that you want to repeat Katia

Do you like boho style in hairstyles? Have you ever tried such styling? We are waiting for your comments!

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