7 wise Japanese proverbs about women who turn the minds of men


I had one friend, the middle hand is a businessman. Everything in his life went on the oil while he did not divorce his wife. No, not because she was neck, but he is head. Not because she woven him wise decisions on the Family Council. She did not understand the business at all and did not climb into men's affairs.

She was part of his life, and his life itself was in harmony. And when she left, he as if he lost its balance. Allowed himself to doubt his exclusivity, strength, success. And everything crumbled as a card house. Or maybe just ended the light strip and came black.

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Nevertheless, maintain warm and friendly relationships with close is extremely important in order to keep life under its control. It must be learn. We will pay attention to Japanese proverbs about women who will be useful for men and reflement:

About those who live with emotions

I admire this proverb. How many problems in life could be avoided if you do not allow yourself to do what I want, and listen to the voice of reason. People inspire that life is too short that you need to jump into the outer with your head, otherwise you do not know her taste at all.

People know perfectly well what is good and what is bad. But they prefer to close their eyes to the temptations and vices, give will the feelings, and then, as if they wake up from a protracted anesthesia and begin to be broken.

For those who are waiting for love

This proverb comes to the patience. Modern young people who are available online dating, are in no hurry to seek girls. Looking for more conspiracked, thereby, in my opinion, lower your own bar and level of requirements. Men! Do not forget that perseverance, purposefulness and self-confidence are good not only in business, but also in love.

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About infinite stream of life

My classmate was sharply worried about parting with a girl, how much strength went to overcome depression. Russians say: "Your energy is yes for peaceful purposes!". During this time, it was possible to find another, build a house and give birth to a couple of beautiful children.

Sometimes we cannot confront your fate. Someone leaves us, and someone appears on the horizon. No need to dwell on failures, you need to take all the decisions of life as a given.

About trump cards

The wise proverb for those counting on a long and happy marriage. People quickly get used to each other, but at the same time, you want the partner to surprise. There are people like an advertising booklet, and there is another category - novels, encyclopedias and reference books, which still need to be needed.

The merchant is us, and the goods are our qualities. And if we want the goods to always be in excess, your quality needs to be developed and improved.

About female beauty

This is an instruction from the Japanese for those men who put out external data on the chapter. Any girl can be embellished in a beauty salon, make a similar face with a magazine cover. Only for the collaboration of this gloss is not enough. Need a whole set of useful human qualities.

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About the close relationship of her husband and wife

It seems to me that this is a statement about sympathy. I have a lot of examples from life when women threw broken husbands and searched for more successful individuals. These ladies did not have sympathy for a near person, which means that love did not exist.

About perfect relationship

Good words. That's just life teaches us that 3 in 1 - it only happens in advertising shampoo. Nevertheless, do not be content with fake, imitation of marriage. We need to seek to whom the heart stretches.

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