What hides from the public Sofia Rotaru



    One of the most famous Russian singers. During his creative career, she managed to fulfill more than 500 songs in different languages. You can speak infinitely about the talent of the artists, but there are such facts in its biography that never mention.

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    Sofia Rotaru with mother in childhood and now, photo: udivitelno.fun

    Career Rotaru began in his youth, with singing in church choir. In this soil, she had many conflicts with peers and classmates, because they entered the pioneer organization. She was even threatened with the deprivation of a pioneer title, but Sofia continued to go to church and singing.

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    Family Rotaru, photo: Retrospectra.ru

    The singer was born in Ukraine in a small village of Marinsha Chernivtsi region in a large Moldavian family. In addition to Sofia, the parents had another 5 children. Their father Mikhail Fedorovich, working as a brigadier, first wore the name Rotaru, but due to the fact that the native village of Markins until 1940 was part of Romania, the letter "U" in the name Rotaru was removed over time. According to Romanian rules, the whole family began to wear a new surname of Rotar. Translated, it meant "Kolesnik".

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    Sofia Rotaru with parents, photo: infodays.ru

    After the end of the war, the head of the family had to change the surname to Rotary, because the village began to belong to Ukraine. Sofia returned to the original option after already became a star. She did it for more harmonious sound. Sincere time, she became Rotar, although in some credits to the movies you can still meet Rotary.

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    Many are confident that there are always very tense relations between Rotaru and Primaudnaya. It was rumored that Alla Borisovna climbed on a colleague on the workshop due to the fact that she always inferior to her in everything. Prizes and titles of Sofia have always been handed over, although the difference in the age of singe was only 2 years.

    In addition, their debut on stage occurred almost at one time, but Rotaru was already a deserved artist in 1973. She collected the best halls of the country, and Pugacheva toured at this time on rural clubs. Before she released the song "Arlekino" about her, few people heard. The title of Honored Artist Primadonna received only in 1980.

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    Alla Pugacheva and Sofia Rotaru on stage, photo: liveinternet.ru

    There is also a version that the cause of disagreements between Alla and Sophia is the jealousy of Pugacheva. Allegedly Primadonna was jealous to her Kirkorov, and then Galkina. That is why there were conflicts between the stars. The actress did not invite Rotar to most of his concerts, although he knew that the fans would not approve this. According to rumors, Pugacheva was angry that the organizers of the events provided Sofia the opportunity to fulfill final songs, but she is not.

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    Anatoly Evdokimenko and Sofia Rotaru, photo: Syl.ru

    Sofia Rotaru is one of the few stars that you managed to carry a love for one person throughout life. Artist's husband Anatoly Evdokimenko fell in love with her, as soon as she saw her photo in one of the magazines, where he was printed after the victory at one of the festivals. Anatoly found his beloved and made her an offer. Sofia was unable to resist such a sincere and romantic act and replied to Evdokimenko reciprocity.

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    Sofia Rotaru with her husband Anatoly Evdokimenko, photo: izovol36.ru

    Lovels registered their marriage in 1968 and lived a soul in the soul of 34 years. Spouses have always supported each other and divided all joys and sorrow for two. In 2002, Anatoly Evdokimenko did not become, he left life as a result of a stroke. Sofia told that the spouse is often her dreams. She prevented the memories of the spouse and even hear does not want other men. Son Rotaru and Evdokimenko also gained happiness in a strong marriage, he gave the names to children in honor of his parents.

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    Sofia Rotaru, photo: novosti-n.org

    The artist takes congratulations on the day of birth twice a year. But the fact is that when the documents are issued, an error was made and instead of August 7, 1947 recorded on August 9th. However, this fact does not confuse the star. It is even nice to hear 2 times more kind words from relatives and loved ones.

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    Frame from the film "Where are you, love?", PHOTO: Kino-Teatr.Ru

    Sofia Rotaru could not become a famous artist. In ornament, she was engaged in flight athletics and all-around. As part of the regional Olympics, which was held in Chernovtsy, Sofia was the first to cope with distances 800 and 100 meters. Also during study at school, she became a champion in all-around. The artist even took on the duties of the Cascaderal. In the pictures "Where are you, love?" And the "monologue about love" she herself performed all the tricks. Over time, Rotaru realized that the music was still closer than the sport.

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    Sofia Rotaru, photo: 360tv.ru

    Many accused the singer that she acts as a sound. However, Joseph Kobzon in a conversation with journalists noted that Rotaru clearly falls under the pre-prepared material. It performs songs so that even professionals are difficult to understand where the production, and where is the performance alive. Sophia itself does not comment on this topic in any way, so we can only guess. Despite all the lunges towards Rotaru, she today remains one of the most sought-after singers. Her voice takes the soul of millions of her fans.

    Alla Pugacheva was noticed at the birthday of Vyacheslav Zaitsev, where the star "House-2" Ivan Barzikov was also. The guy was not confused and took the chance to get acquainted with the primade. But the well-known fashion expert Evelina Khromchenko in a negative key spoke in with respect to the images of Alla Borisovna and advised women to never repeat the idol. Meanwhile, Victor Drobysh "passed" in Nikolai Baskov, who appears at all events only accompanied by security.

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