Evan Peters first commented on his cameo in Vanda / Vizhne

Evan Peters first commented on his cameo in Vanda / Vizhne 9101_1
Frame from the series "Wanda / Vizhn"

Evan Peters debuted in the TV series Disney + "Wanda / Vizhn", more than 5 episodes, but just now the actor commented on his unexpected cameo.

In honor of the release of the final 9 series on the Twitter Show page laid out the video image of St. Petersburg to the audience. The actor did not explain his unusual Kameo, but he said that was happy to return to the Marvel universe:

"I know that you have a lot of questions, like me, but the finale of the season very soon [at the time of the recording of the final, it was clearly not released]. I just want to say that I am such a big fan of the Marvel Universe. It was so cool to come there and chat with all these guys. It was damn cool. "

After the appearance of St. Petersburg, the network began to bravely discuss who he actually played. Some believed that it was mercury from an alternative reality, where there are X-people, which would be a full-fledged introduction of multiverse and mutants. Others thought it was the secret villain of Mephisto or a nightmare. In the 9 episode, we were revealed (hereinafter refer to the end of the text of the spoilers) that Evan Peters played the actor named Ralph Boner, who, under the action of Char Agatha Harkness (Catherine Khan), mined information about the witch / Wanta Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) for her.

Marvel Studios has not yet explained why the victims of Agatha and Fake Mercury Mervel Marvel were chosen for the role of Random, which was chosen by Peterers, who played Pietro in the franchise "X-Is" franchise (or rather Peter) Maximoff. It is unlikely that only a joke. So far, the most believable theory seems that in the MCU universe at Ralph just the same appearance as Peter from another reality, where there are X-people. Maybe later this twist will explain better to us, but the fans are already indigrant that Evan Peters played a simple neighbor, who, by the will of the case, was on the path of Agatha:

"I really hope that the appearance of Evan Peters in" Vanda / Vizhne "was not the last time we saw it in MCU."

"I can't believe that a random resident showed us the best gaming version of mercury."

"No mention of Monica's friend (astrophysics). Where is the White Vision? Mercury was just a guy by last name Boner. Again the scrolls (hint at the "secret invasion"?) Did not save Vihnov. No chameo type Skywalker hatch. Not delighted. "

However, fans still have hope that Peters will return to the role of mercury. MARVEL people will be introduced by the people of X, so that everything can be.

Recall, in the series "Wanda / VIZHN" Jacqueline Shefficient also starred Paul Bettany, Teion Parris, Kat Denning and Randall Park.

See also: "Wanda / Vizhn": the most bold experiment of the film marvel

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