Why boys and girls need to bring up differently and how to do it right


Modern gender education is very different from what was 50 years ago, and nothing about earlier times and there is nothing to say. The difference is that earlier girls were brought up as future wives and mothers, and boys - husbands, defenders and miners.

What is the problem

And now there is simply no difference in the upbringing of boys and girls. Children of both sexes are learning to the same, asked equally and as a result, people with the same qualities with the displacement towards male values ​​are as a result.

All this today is given to the samely and boys, and girls. And the fact is that the main goals of modern education are purposefulness, determination, activity, the ability to earn, to defend its own, to withstand competition, be the leader. This, of course, very necessary qualities that suggest one important requirement in the future life is also a man, and the woman will work on equal footing, but also to take care of the family - life, children.

And here the problems for a woman begins - to all of this, she still has to bed, give birth and devote the time to the child while he is small. At this time, the man is practically free and further engaged in achieving its goals. And for a woman, the problem is aggravated by the fact that no one taught it to be just a mother, hostess, wife.

Hence the conflicts, and such problems as unwillingness to give birth, spend time on life and family values ​​to the detriment of the career. Or a woman becomes a good one and she is simply uninteresting original female functions. And on the other hand, men also changed: knighthood disappeared, patronage, protecting women as a weaker partner. It all became unnecessary - they are still equal.

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That this does not happen, it is important to understand that the upbringing of girls and boys should be approached in different ways.

How to raise boys

For the future men, the main quality is responsibility. He must know that the members of his family will depend on his behavior or not. The boy since childhood should have a circle of instructions that correspond to his age and opportunities. And you need to teach your son to fulfill them without additional reminders. The child must feel useful, meaningful and, of course, to receive thanks.

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Be sure to make an opportunity to make an opportunity to make exclusively male affairs, and not only in sports and entertainment, such as fishing, but also in domestic affairs. If you do not teach your son to score nails, it will have to make his wife, which will clearly not contribute to family happiness.

How to raise girls

With girls a little simpler. They should be just loved to praise themselves more, and not for something concrete. And, most importantly, not to kill the nature of the laid qualities and aspirations: help, patronate, bring joy. But she should see an example from the older women in the family - how to be a good mistress loving mom.

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It should not bring up from the girl "Boy", inspiring her that she constantly owes something, install unnecessary prohibitions and criticize if something does not work.

This is the main task of parents, and everything else will make a school and society.

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