Wild animals started in Tatarstan - video


Wild animals started in Tatarstan - video 9092_1

On the eve of the inspectors and Hengery went to the forests of the Laishevsky district to explore how the numerical and species composition of Tatarstan fauna changed. It's not a secret, there was a lot of foxes that attack the villages. Look in the farm and lynx.

Henge Andrei Puzikov will easily distinguish a trace of moose or kabana hooves: they can be seen even on the abyss of the snow. Deep snowy pillow - ideal for winter accounting. The procedure takes place once a year - from January 1 to the end of February, zoologists and foresters go to special trails, where they are looking for traces of animals.

In the footsteps it is possible to determine where, why, and most importantly, who moved away from the forest inhabitants at night. In the forest, you can see how the roasted roots passed, and here deep traces left a flock of boars. Went in search of food.

For the day of Eger on skis pass more than 10 kilometers. Fix each trail. Sometimes predators meet, but they say the checking, do not touch.

- If you do not touch the predator, then the predator will not attack you. We have a man stronger than the predator, "says Yegert Volzhsko-Kama hunting economy Andrei Puzikov.

Step by step, Tatarstan experts are on the map of the habitat of all 17 numerous species of animals: Koslov, Kabanov, Zaitsev, Malos and others.

- The total route network is distributed evenly throughout the territory of the republic, more than 1,500 routes. And on the basis of weather conditions, the accountants go out in all routes, "said the head of the Gos Committee for the Protection of the animal world of the State Committee for Bioresurs, Rinat Chispiyakov.

Now the number of boars will be sharply reduced - due to the threat of an African plague in the republic, they were allowed to shoot them.

It becomes more roof and moose, they are under guard. But the fox, despite the increasing cases of penetration into the oppression, according to observations, no longer become.

- According to the accounts that we spend, we see that they are no longer becoming. Simply in winter, they have the opportunity to enter settlements in search of food and meet with people, "said Ilfat Valeyev, head of the animal world monitoring department.

According to the results of the inspection, it will be possible to know exactly where and how much animals dwells: based on this, this year the quotas will determine who you can hunt for anyone, and for someone else ban.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

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