In the House of Representatives considered changes to the law "On Road Motion"


In the House of Representatives considered changes to the law

Changes to the Law "On Road Movement" were considered at an expanded meeting of the Standing Commission for Industry, the Fuel and Energy Complex, Transport and Communication of the House of Representatives. Representatives of the Ministry of the Interior took part in the discussion.

Chairman of the Permanent Commission for Industry, Fuel and Energy Complex, Transport and Communication of the House of Representatives, Igor Komarovsky noted that the main purpose of improving the draft law is to improve road safety, the eradication of legal gaps.

For the history of this draft law, the sign 2018, when they were offered to introduce a balm offenses assessment system by drivers, reminded parliamentarian. But such a system nor the public nor the country's leadership supported.

Deputy head of the GAI GAI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Zananon reported that the main changes in legislation are related to the expansion of the implementation of the provisions of the Convention on the Road Traffic Convention of 1968.

"One such provisions provides for the possibility of issuing an international driver's license. Although our national driver's license complies with all the requirements of this Convention. But some countries that have not joined this convention and have no opportunity to adopt its provisions for themselves require an international driver's license."

According to him, the international driver's licensions of the new sample are already issued in our country a year after making relevant changes to the Presidential Decree No. 200. That is, innovations in the bill are of technical significance. Meaning

You can go through the capital.

As for the general driver's licenses of the Union State, Alexander Zarnimon noted that they will be recognized by our countries mutually.

He also noticed that in preparing the draft law, the possibility of obtaining the right to control the vehicle on an automatic transmission.

The bill is assumed to monitor the effectiveness of the organization of the roadway to place on the Ministry of Transport and local authorities - road owners.

At the meeting, the representative of the traffic police brought statistics on traffic accidents over the past year. So, last year for the first time in more than ten years the number of victims in the accident increased to 573 people. Most deaths are associated with the hitting on pedestrians.

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