Spanish mistress Mamaeva Irene Garcia admitted: "I did not know that he was married"


After many years of marriage tests with football player Pavl Mamaev, His wife Alan was given for divorce. Since 2013, she has endured fights, rudders, arrest and again borrowed rugs. But everything was good for the sake of the Joint Daughter Alice, and the son of Alan from the first marriage also loved the stepfather.

Spanish mistress Mamaeva Irene Garcia admitted:
Alan and Pavel Mamaev. Photo Instagram.

But his last intrigue became the last straw. The insulted wife even tried to commit suicide - got drunk pills, washed alcohol (really I forgot about the children?!) And got into toxicology. Her friends got climbed, broke the door and found Alan in an unconscious state. As far as this is true - it is difficult to say. The model itself denies all, and her friends suddenly silenced everything sharply and do not comments.

Spanish mistress Mamaeva Irene Garcia admitted:
Mamaev and his wife and children. Photo Instagram.

But what caused the divorce. Paul is now at the fees in Spain and from there to his wife began to flow rumors that her bomitic started his mistress - a rather well-known model Irene Garcia. The outrageous Alan made a categorical step - published all the contacts and addresses of social network Iren, and Mamaeva fans in a few days literally literally felt the ruiner. 29-year-old beauty is not only a model, but also a lawyer and such a scandal very painfully struck her reputation.

Irene Garcia Moreno

Original (Yrypuntocom)

Journalists of the elast edition managed to communicate directly with the Spanish model. That's what she said:

I met him in Marbella. I did not know that he was married, because he would never have gone to a date with him if it was aware. I am a man of traditional looks. Later we began to trust each other, he was very sincere with me, said that he was in prison. Paul is a real gentleman, we fell in love with each other. I was surprised. She published my address, telephone, passport on a social network, and later all this appeared in the media. She threatened me seriously - I'm in a panic. Now my lawyers are already working to ensure that this woman can avoid the trial, if he arrives in Spain. Never accused Paul and I will not do that. The rest is very personal, perhaps, keep silent

Alan did not comment on such a statement, but announced that he filed for a divorce. She does not pretend to make money husband, will not require alimony. Just wants to break this vicious circle.

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