10 Rules for competent cultivation of tomatoes


Good afternoon, my reader. We love tomatoes for the taste, the content of vitamins and useful trace elements. Therefore, almost every garden has its own bed with this vegetable. But, like each garden culture, in the cultivation of tomatoes there are subtleties and nuances. Do not allow mistakes, and the vegetable will delight you with a large harvest.

10 Rules for competent cultivation of tomatoes 905_1
10 Rules for competent cultivation of tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

  1. Select variety

Choosing seeds, pay attention to the varietal or hybrid. It must be remembered that hybrids give a crop by 30% higher than the varietal. Even their plus is resistant to diseases.

  1. Choosing a place

Pay attention to the description of the variety of the selected vegetable. If he is for an open soil, then plan the open bed, if for closed - to the greenhouse.

  1. Wrong neighbors

Cucumbers cannot be coined with tomatoes. That is, these cultures should grow in different greenhouses. They require various care, feeding and watering. If you want to save space, you can do so. Tomatoes get along well in one greenhouse with peppers, and cucumbers can be planted with eggplants.

10 Rules for competent cultivation of tomatoes 905_2
10 Rules for competent cultivation of tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

Tomatoes in the greenhouse. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

  1. Shadow formation
  1. Garter

Tomatoes are recommended to be credited when they reach a certain height. The stem is gently pressed to the grinding and tie to it. A cord can be used twine or other soft cord. It is not necessary to tip the synthetic cords, they are crashed into the stem and damage it.

  1. Measking

Some gardeners are a pity to remove lateral shoots. But these steps only take the power of the stem for themselves, so tomatoes give a bad harvest. Do not spare a bush of tomatoes, boldly remove all the steaskers - these are processes that grow between a sheet and stem. Plug them at the very reason. Leaving the pencils, you risk will develop to develop pathogenic bacteria.

  1. Nutrition

Tomatoes love feeding, but excessive fertilizer - and tomato "inhabitants". The stem becomes thick, the leaves are dark green. Fruits in this case are poorly formed.

10 Rules for competent cultivation of tomatoes 905_3
10 Rules for competent cultivation of tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

  1. Compliance with the temperature balance in the greenhouse

Despite the fact that tomatoes are preferred warm and rejoice in every sunny day, the greenhouse should be opened every day. Vegetables do not tolerate the stool, it is necessary to arrange the ventilation.

  1. Timely treatment

Once in two weeks process tomatoes with biopreparations and biostimulants. This will help them feel good, get timely meals. The procedure should be repeated until the end of the harvest.

  1. Preparation of seeds

Seeds of hybrid tomatoes are not subject to independent workpiece. They can only be purchased in specialized stores.

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