Rabbit breeding for beginners

Rabbit breeding for beginners 9046_1

The cultivation of rabbits on meat is ideal for the household area of ​​any size. View meat breeds and select the one you like more. Now in fashion, the New Zealand breed and Soviet chinchilla.

It is necessary to know that when growing rabbits on meat, the older becomes a rabbit, the harder the meat. The perfect age for slaughter is about 8 weeks. This means that you will need a breed with rapid growth (examples are indicated above), since these rabbits will be decent size to a 8-week mark.


Of course, it will take a cell for rabbits, protected from above with a lid from the sun, rain, snow. It will be a wooden box, divided into two parts. One section has a wire mesh from all sides, and the other part is closed with wooden walls, and only the bottom is a wire mesh.

Wire mesh is an important component that facilitates the care of animals. It should be small enough to be rabbits to stand, not falling out, but with fairly wide cells, so that most of the rabbit waste falls out.

Another important part of the content of rabbits in the cells is to make sure that they have a wide dice from a piece of wood, which you can gnaw and where you can climb. This not only retains the teeth of animals in order, but also gives them a breather from constant location on the wire.

There is an even more complex method of breeding in the so-called colony, when the lawn is fencing, and the rabbits themselves are rooting holes for shelter. But as a beginner is better to stay on traditional cellular content.

The cell needs a litter, but not straw! Straw - melt carrier. Rabbits are very susceptible to the ear ticks. Therefore, the failure of straw will help to avoid the appearance of ear ticks.

Approx. The best way to prevent the abnormal ticks in rabbits is to drop a few drops of oil (olive, vegetable), mixed with tea tree oil, in every ear. If the animals have become infected (the ears were covered with laps), drip oil into an incentive ear every other day for 30 days. Then clean the cells with a diluted bleach mixture to ensure the destruction of all ticks.

As a litter for adult individuals, you can take a wood chips. Rabbits contact with chips contraindicated, as the smell can cause allergic reactions up to the death of animals.

The best and safest bedding for rabbits is an old chopped paper or hay. It is preferable to take cardboard, as the ink on newspaper paper can be stained with a skin. Hay rabbits can have a snack and break into it to warm up in the cold.

Protection from flies - be sure! Install the trap strips on the cells and periodically wipe the cells by vinegar.

Weekly cell cleaning is carried out by a diluted bleach mixture. It should be cleaned by all the remaining animal waste, replace the old bedding fresh and check the drinkers to make sure that they are clean and work properly.

Before placing animals again in the cells, make sure everything was ventured and dried. At the time of cleaning, you can transplant rabbits into a simple dog cell.

It is recommended to keep your males and females apart from each other, except for mating. So safer from the point of view of hygiene and allows you to simplify the process of tracking of labor.

The term of pregnancy at the rabbit is only 30 days, which means the appearance of a new litter in a month. Typically, the rabbit requires 1-2 pregnancy to understand how to save life to their kids. Do not be discouraged if the first litter does not survive, then everything will be fine.

Feeding and water

When growing rabbits on meat there are many options for feed, designed specifically for them.

You can buy granules enriched with protein so that animals can dial the necessary weight in a short time. There are different brands of commercial dry feed and hay. In the field grows drink, so adorable with rabbits, and in the garden weeds and vegetables.

Remember that rabbits drink quite a lot of water, and it means that you need volumetric drinkers (about 2 liters) that are fastened to cells. This volume ensures that water is enough for the animal, and you will need to replenish the drinkers only several times a week, and not several times a day.

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