Aloe wrinkle masks


From this article, learn how at home you can make masks for the face of Aloe.

Aloe for face masks: what benefits

About the healing properties of aloe is known for quite a long time, so this plant is actively used in the fields of medicine and cosmetology. Aloe allows to treat inflammatory processes, and also helps effectively heal wounds of various nature, for example, cuts and burns. And all because this plant saturates the skin moisture and speeds up the process of tissue regeneration.

Under thin skin leaf is a kind of nutrient mass that contains organic acids, minerals, vitamins and some other substances. If you argue from the point of view of cosmetology, it should be allocated:

  • Beta-carotene (protects against the so-called photo storage).
  • Amino acids (stimulate the active formulation of collagen).
  • Salicylic acid (performs the function of controlling the production of sebum).
  • Antioxidants (actively saturated with oxygen skin).

Under cold conditions, the concentration of nutrients is significantly increased in aloe juice. Obviously, this is good if we are talking about the manufacture of masks from wrinkles at home from aloe. If you regularly perform procedures, after some time it will be possible to notice such effects:

  1. The skin will cease to be dry, regardless of which the weather outside the window.
  2. The skin of the face acquires good elasticity.
  3. Pigment stains are dry.
  4. The face tone is leveled.
  5. Angry rash and acne disappears.
  6. Small wounds and traces from the guns are very quickly healing.

And most importantly, wrinkles are noticeably smoothed. Especially in skin areas around the eyes. Isn't it dreaming about every representative of beautiful sex?

After regular procedures at home with the use of face masks from Aloe Oval Faces will look more tightened, the skin will become more moisturized, and wrinkles that have previously been expressed will be significantly reduced. Moreover, the procedures with the meal (this is another aloe name) contribute to the slowdown in the emergence of new wrinkles. And most importantly, use this plant for making masks can women with any skin type.

How to prepare aloe

To get the best effect from the facial mask procedure with a meal juice, you need to take care of the preparation of raw materials in advance. And it is important to do everything correctly that the concentration of the beneficial substances is maximum.

Now a little science. Scientists responsibly declare that if you cut off the leaf in an adult plant and put it for two weeks in a cool place (at a temperature of about +3 degrees), the process of accumulating regenerating components will reach its maximum. Obviously, it is this moment that will be most suitable in order to make an aloe mask from wrinkles at home, leaning on any recipe.

If you decide to make make-up cosmetics with your own hands, you should remember some nuances:

  1. It is better to use a plant whose age exceeds 1.5-2 years. The young meal can not boast a large amount of nutrients.
  2. The best and most effective Aloe mask is obtained from the most "fleshy" leaves.
  3. If suddenly you noticed that the mesenter looks no matter how like the plant is ill, it is better not to use for the manufacture of face masks.

If you have decided to rejuvenate the face with Aloe, then you should choose a few thick sheets, wipe them from dust, and then cut off with a sharp knife. "Prey" makes sense to rinse in boiled water. Then you will need to remove the extra moisture using a napkin and wrap the leaflets into a dense fabric (it is desirable that it is dark color). The edges are important to leave ajar, so that the air can circulate there. When all the listed manipulations remained behind, it will be necessary to put the obtained billets in the refrigerator. Do not put the leaves in the freezer, otherwise the effect of the procedures carried out will be significantly lower.

After 14 days, remove sheets from the fabric, and then skip them through the meat grinder or sieve. Next, with the help of Marli, you will need to squeeze juice. By the way, it is best to use it right away, so the effect of the mask will be the best. If there is no such possibility, it is not scary - juice can be stored for 9-10 days. Just do not forget to pour it into a container made of dark glass. It should also close tightly. The bottle should be removed away from sunlight and store in a cool place. Again, the refrigerator is perfect for these purposes.

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Make a mask from Aloe is easy, the main thing is to follow the recommendations of specialists. If there is no possibility or desire to prepare aloe for masks, it makes sense to go to the pharmacy and acquire an already ready-made meal extract. It is usually sold in ampoules.

The most effective masks for the face based on aloe

We talked about the beneficial properties of this plant, as well as how to prepare Aloe. Now is the time to move from the theory to practice, and offer you the recipes of the most effective face-based masks made on the basis of the meal.

For oily skin

Many believe that oily skin is a lot of teenagers. However, it is not. Many fair sex representatives and adult age continue to fight fatty glitter. Your attention recipe for making mask for Aloe face on fatty skin:

  1. Make an infusion from sage. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of this grass and fill with 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Strain the resulting tincture, after which it is to mix a part of this fluid with 2 cutlets of radish (it must be pre-grated in a fine grater). As a result, the mass should turn out, which in the thickness will be similar to the sour cream.
  3. Add a 20 ml of the metering juice.
  4. Apply a mask on the face and keep for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Thoroughly wash the mask and apply a thin layer of moisturizing cream on the face.

This procedure should be conducted 2-3 times a week within a month. Such Aloe face masks made at home will help get rid of black dots, oily shine and acne. Wrinkles will be significantly reduced, and the faces will noticeably tightens.

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Holders of dry skin often complain that wrinkles on their face appear very early. But this is not a sentence, and you can fight with it. Masks from the metering juice will be a faithful assistant in this:

  1. Prepare Aloe leaves (how to do it already told). We will need 2 tablespoons of juices of this plant.
  2. Heat them by water bath to room temperature (about 20 degrees).
  3. Add to juice 1 tablespoon of olive oil and stir up to a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Take cotton discs and apply the resulting mixture on the skin.
  5. Hold a mask for 30 minutes.
  6. Wash off with water, and remove the masks to remove with a napkin. Soap use is not recommended.

If you regularly perform such procedures (do a day within two weeks), the skin "will revive" will come to the tone and will be well moistened. This is a good tool for combating hated wrinkles.

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Often, the first wrinkles appear among representatives of the beautiful floor on the skin around the eyes. Fortunately, Aloe Juice is able to work wonders. You will help the course of procedures in the form of compresses from the metering juice. Here is the prescription:

  1. Take a small saucer and pour fresh-free aloe juice into it.
  2. We take two cotton disks, wet them in the juice and apply to closed centuries.
  3. Keep such an improvised compress for 10 minutes. Then remove cotton discs. The remnants of the juice wash the water is not needed.

Conduct such procedures for two weeks before the night bedtime, and already after 2-3 weeks you will notice the positive effect - wrinkles will definitely be reduced.

Aloe face masks made at home can reduce the number of wrinkles, and they can use them like young girls and women after 40 years.

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