How treats alternative medicine?: People's Healer of Spiridonch

How treats alternative medicine?: People's Healer of Spiridonch 9025_1
How does alternative medicine treat? Photo: Depositphotos.

He goes a lot of rumors about signs, firebags, psychics and other similar public. Talk about the wonders of healing from diseases that were not on the teeth of official medicine. The author is familiar with such not at all and in the article will tell about his own bitter personal experience.

All "on hearing" the names of such famous artists as love polishchuk, Alexander Abdulov, Oleg Yankovsky, Anna Samokhin. And this sad list can continue and continue.

Does not overcome the trail and to Altai herbers, sorcerers, psychics and other healing guru. How to forget the Chumak, Kashpirovsky, Longo, Juna or Nikolai Levashov? They called themselves scientists, academics, researchers, psychics. Nikolay Levashov was not at all the "descendant" of the county family of Levashov, and his wife participating in the American show with her husband (they emigrated to America), went even further: she stated that she went down to Earth from Space and is Andromeda Cituit!

All this was quite recently. And that amazing: they believe them many ... so far!

The rank of lower citizens appeal to local signs. It is treated with stem cells, dietary siblings, etc., drag the last savings to the healers. Why and why?

How treats alternative medicine?: People's Healer of Spiridonch 9025_2
On the left, the author for a walk. Right Folk Healer Collage and Picture: Vadim Garin, Personal Archive

The first reason is that the population on the household level lowers the effectiveness of official medicine. It is quite possible that also because official medicine has become unavailable and more expensive.

Polls show that:

  • Only 18% of the population under no circumstances would not turn to unconventional treatment methods;
  • 27% are considered possible to supplement the treatment of traditional medicine;
  • 23% would have turned in the case of ineffective treatment of official medicine;
  • 17% would turn to alternative medicine if scientific evidence of effectiveness were seen;
  • and 22% - if you advise friends or those whom they certainly trust!

And if you want to deceive, trust almost everyone!

Polls polls, but when the disease is overcome, even very educated and smart people are grabbed for any straw.

Native Mikhail Zadornov, having lost the hope of cure in Germany, turned to the well-known healer, called himself a bioenergy. Leo Shahu (who lived in Poland), according to the press, allegedly spent 14 sessions with zadornov, each - 2 hours. Next write about improving well-being. The result is known. How much it was worth, do not write ...

After reading this message on the Internet, I did not believe, as I saw the performance of the very Zadornov, where he barely ridiculed non-traditional treatments. Does this bioenergy have been treated for zadornov, it's not known to me, and could it? I think I could. Hope dies last.

And who does not remember the cooking hobby running the "coward", which he underwent from all diseases and first of all - cardiovascular diseases? American Popular Bearing, the author of bestseller "Full running book" and others. Smiling, Cute Jim Fix forced all continents. I repent: I also ran ...

On the morning of July 20, 1984, the star of the run, the father of four children and the author of the most famous books, Fix, went out on a daily jog, during which he died suddenly at the age of 52! He was struck by a sudden heart attack, whose fault was launched chronic atherosclerosis.

And who does not know the field of Brecha? American promoter healthy lifestyle, naturopath, bright representative of alternative medicine. He was raw, opposed salt and sugar, any preservatives and alcohol. He believed that the correct diet would not just increase the life expectancy, but would allow everyone to overcome the centenary. His book was read up to the holes! Also died of a heart attack.

With the method of running a coward, my personal story is connected. I ran at the stadium, did not eat salt and sugar. Earned hypertension and sugar diabetes by 60 years. With me, the elderly neighbor Vasily Ivanovich ran with me at the time of the Polytechnic Institute. Once, having met his wife, I asked why I can't see him for a week already on the stadium?

"Vasya died," the neighbor replied answered. - And you would finish these whites ...

I did not continue to ask a poor woman.

Reader, do not think bad: I am a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, but categorically objected to the signs, psychics, sorcerers, etc. I firmly sit in these 18% of people who have never turned to the signs. No need to throw out of the fire, yes in the hollow!

In this publication, I do not put the goal of instructing the reader on the right path. The reader himself will understand - "have or not to have"! The theme is fully covered in the media and the Internet. However, I remind you that criminal liability for illegal healer has been established in the USSR, "Article 221 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Illegal healing ":

The practice of healing as a profession to a person who does not have a proper medical education was punished with imprisonment for up to two years.

And at the present time, according to statistical data, which are given in the RAMS study, 95% of people's healers do not have medical education, and over 40% of them need to treat mental abnormalities.

In May, the deputy of the State Duma Vitaly Valentinovich Milonov introduced a draft law on criminal responsibility for illegal practicing traditional medicine and magic, according to which the occupations of traditional medicine or "occult magical activities" without permission, if they harm their health or damaged in large scale (more than 250 thousand rubles) is proposed to punish a fine in the amount of up to 120 thousand rubles, forced work or imprisonment for up to three years. The same acts that caused the death of a person should be punished with imprisonment for up to five years.

Let's see if the deputies will take this law. And I propose to read a funny story about my experience of contacting unconventional treatment methods.

People's Heel Spiridonch

- Larisa, you know, I was born as anew to the light! - I trustly crack out. - I feel great! The knee does not hurt, the pancreas ceased to disturb. And the liver is at the same time!

Nadezhda - a long-standing girlfriend Larisa, High thinning Fifty-year-old Brownie came to us at the cottage with her husband Nikolai. We were friends with families, despite more than a ten-year difference in age. By unloading the bottle and provisions from the car, sat down in the gazebo.

- It would be necessary for you to go to Spiridonchu. You complained about my heart last time, drink the pills from heartburn, and it creates straight miracles! And I'm not talking about your man. He has only healthy brains! With a stick, she fell barely ... Yes, here to go, the fifty kilometers towards Ramoni. Village Stupino. And takes a healer inexpensively, only 500 rubles! I have already visited it three times.

Larisa - a laboratory manner, to a pension worked in the polyclinic of the Medin Institute, shook her head in doubt:

- I will not go for anything. He does not tolerate these signs on the Spirit!

- Yes, no doubt, "Nadia continued to drink, - what, will you donate, or what? Or 500 rubles a pity? It helped me! And your writer will be on the crutches to ride. I saw myself, how to the healer came on the crutches, and I had fun from it on your two!

How treats alternative medicine?: People's Healer of Spiridonch 9025_3
Collage and photo: Vadim Garin, Personal archive

- Find it easy. Do not reach Ramoni, roll left, there is a pointer to Stupino. And how will you come to the village, you will see: the healer's house, at the end of the street, always do not push around. The main thing is, you are Vadima your pull out of the Berlogs. Diseases get rid of me as a king!

The week passed in persuasion. I stubbornly did not want to give up, and when it was already quite short, threw:

- Damn with you, with babami, went. Only I will not leave the car, and do not ask! He myself, the main thing - the liver do not forget to clean, like the Nadka Your abnormal. And I'm somehow in the old man. At doctors.

Half an hour looked. At the end of the only village street on Kozochor, there was a non-zeysome house of the local healer of Spiridonch, so it was all important. The whole street was forced by cars. People - Darkness ... and old, and young! Powdly carried in a special bag.

- Who is last? - asked Larisa.

I scratched the head. "It seems here until the evening will have to sunbathe!" - I thought with melancholy. However, I was wrong. The healer took each no more than five minutes. Patient conveyor quickly moved. Constantly someone left, someone came!

After about a couple of hours, our turn came up. I suddenly changed my mind. No, I was not going to be treated with Charlatan, but I wanted to look at him.

They entered the close sends in the hut, and immediately shrouded the terrible stench, as if it was here a week ago, the rat abandoned, and she was concerned with a beet moonshine! Larisa was bad. She buried into a golock and pushed her eyes.

At the table was sitting thin, unshaven and laid man with bags under cunning black eyes. A gray sweatshirt dangled on it without a belt, and Galosh was mounted on his feet. The blusted nose gave the host addiction. Over his head hung a shelf with two books of a large format: thick "phytotherapy" in the dust-jacket and the volume of the medical reference book "Avicenna - Endocrinology".

Herbs hanging over the wall. Their thick smell, mixed with a terrible aroma of shops woolen socks and beams of beet moonshine, knocked down.

"Come walk, Mil Man," Spearidonch met us with a sweet voice, "I will repair the leg right now. Soma Enti Krenovina, I will treat, - he pointed to my heavy knee bandage ...

I quickly answered that he brought his spouse. I myself will not be treated.

- Your business, Lord-comrades, now examine your spouse.

He pulled out a plastic bowl of the moonshine from under the table and saved his hands economically, explaining that it was necessary to carry out disinfection before treatment. The healer approached Laris and began to make incomprehensible pockets from the chest to the legs, sentencing:

- At first, there is a biofield and hear where they were hidden - illness, mean! Align the intention and see that the periletics do not work.

"So, so, he whispered," the taperite I will right out, my native. " Ready! Remove the energy cork, spinning artery. Washa! - the healer was loud. - I went to normal current, right now I distribute it, and everything will be in Openwork. Well, that's ready! You come next time on an empty stomach. Popping water from Movo Well in the yard and go, he is Caple! Everything did at best. Not pleased to be able to strengthen the tokma. Bless you!

Spiridonch with the dexterity of the magician jumped a five-flip into a three-liter jar and shouted:

- Next, come in!

They came out, grabbed fresh air, got enough and began to laugh like abnormal.

- How is your periletics? I asked my wife, putting out laughter. He showed the people and finished: "They also have a peristalistic in order, and maybe that worse." Just treat it at the psychiatrist!

- And the Nadka is good! - Larisa responded. - I did not think that she was such a sorter! See, not well done!

Author - Vadim Garin

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