15 unprecedented animals who would have made biology textbooks 1,000 times more exciting


We argue that you do not know anything about a tomato frog, which puts the fall to everyone who wants to eat it, or the Chak's philoma, which is actually no jellyfish, and a frog that lives on the trees? And the ant tiger, a fierce 2-kilogram predator with huge touching eyes, has long been ready to take place in your heart.

We are absolutely not understood in adme.ru, as it was possible not to include all these awesome creatures in biology textbooks, and we want to replenish our common gap in knowledge. Each item of this article is worth it.

1. Ant Tiger - This is not a cute cat, and 2 kg of clean rage

15 unprecedented animals who would have made biology textbooks 1,000 times more exciting 9020_1
© sdzoo.tumblr.com

Antly Tiger (or a black cat), the smallest representative of feline, weighs no more than 2 kg. But let its size and big touching eyes do not deceive you: This cutie is a fierce African predator. He lives in the former nonoraes of other animals or in abandoned by meters, and its prey for one night only becomes an average of 14 small animals - from reptiles to rodents.

  • He showed this cat to his cat so that he was not worried about the fact that the small and not lion. © SGDJEJ / Twitter

2. Frog-tomato cries predators

15 unprecedented animals who would have made biology textbooks 1,000 times more exciting 9020_2
© East News.

Tomato's frog from Madagascar honestly warns those who wish to enjoy a frog, that she is inedible, "her bright color clearly testifies. But for very stupid or too hungry, it also has a special means: it highlights a sticky and toxic white substance that can glue the jaw of the predator.

3. Cysthemaya Piggy

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© Vassil / Wikipedia

Well, are the cystic pigs, the inhabitants of Africa, not the most beautiful pigs in the world? Here is the evidence: they have a long bundlebard, and a bright brush strip on the back, and black and white tassels on the ears. And they live in Norah!

4. Malay Szystokryl

15 unprecedented animals who would have made biology textbooks 1,000 times more exciting 9020_4
© Hendy MP / Solent News / East News, © Hendy MP / Solent News / East News

This big-eyed creation lives in Thailand and Indonesia and almost never goes down to Earth. At night, the helkest flies from a tree on a tree in search of delicious flowers and fruits, and during the day resting, hanging on long legs. And a warm blanket, it is also an aircraft, he has always with him. And you just take a look at these pink heels!

5. Chakna philletus - a frog that does not jump, but climbs on trees

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© Petra Karstedt / Wikipedia

Despite the mention of jellyfish in the title, the Chakna philoma is chucks. She lives on trees and instead of jumping and swimming prefers slowly moving around, clinging over twigs and leaves. She has long thin fingers on her legs, and the paws themselves are so flexible, which is easily taken to any point of the Taurus. The fact is that these quanks produce a special substance similar to wax, and to avoid drying, they distribute it along the entire surface of the body.

6. The woolly rat of Bosashi is not afraid of people

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© BBC / YouTube

BosAvi rats were open by chance, during the filming of the BBC documentary on nature in 2009. When the film crew rose into the crater of an extinct volcano of Bosaby in Papua - New Guinea, she discovered giant rats there, who were completely not afraid of people, because they had never seen them before.

7. Long-dead brilliant starlings loves to tease

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© Sascha Wenninger / Wikipedia, © Panwoyteczek / Wikipedia

It would be possible to say "Skzorets - he and Africa Skzorten" if this singer from the Schworts family, who lives between Sudan, Tanzania and Congo, was not so handsome. Despite the silent plumage, a long-tailed brilliant speed is not some kind of cunning seducer of frivolous female, but a true partner: these birds live in pairs. And they also love to have fun, the opposing singing of other birds.

8. In West Africa, found volatile mice with unusual red fur

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© Batcon.org.

At first, scientists suggested that it was simply an unusual individual color, but then it turned out that this is a new type of bat mice.

9. Honey ants accumulate food in the trouser and feed with soroday

15 unprecedented animals who would have made biology textbooks 1,000 times more exciting 9020_9
© Greg Hume / Wikipedia

Honey ants, inhabitants of Africa, Australia and North America, duties are clearly distributed. So, some ants mined food and bring it into an anthill, others serve alive storerooms: they are stored in their elastic abdomen liquid food for the whole colony. In the hungry times of "honey barrels", we join food for your fellow and young people. Love to enjoy "earthy grapes" and people: Australia's aborigines honey ants replace dessert.

10. Striped Tetrek - a tiny relative of an elephant

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© Frank Vassen / Wikipedia

This funny chamber with a collar of a barley is striped tenarn. Scientists call these residents of Madagascar with live fossils: for millions of years they have changed little, and despite the similarities with hedgehogs, in fact their closest relatives are elephants and Lamantins. And Trellov's spines can vibrate, publishing a sound that tells the relatives where their owner is.

11. Mirror scarab looks like a pure gold

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© Talay_Namin / Twitter

These beetles, the inhabitants of the rainforest Panama and Costa Rica are appreciated not only by collectors. Scientists are also impressed with their unique ability to reflect light and are already reflected on the creation of artificial analogues.

12. Crab-Yeti has a fur coat

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© A. Fifis, IFRemer / Chess / Census of Marine Life

The shaggy crab-yeti is so much similar to his relatives that scientists had to allocate him in a separate look, when they opened it in 2005, studying the sea life off the coast of Easter Island. Cutie, right?

13. Females of fireflies kind of photource - the most real fatal women of the animal world

15 unprecedented animals who would have made biology textbooks 1,000 times more exciting 9020_13
© Bruce Marlin / Wikipedia

Cunning "fireless" -phootaris love males of another kind - fotinus, imitating them with calling light signals, and then just eat them! For females-photores, fotty-fotinus source is also a source of a special substance - Lucibufagina: it is expensive for fireflies, but it perfectly protects them from other predatory insects. As soon as the predator attacked on the photonis feels the taste of Lucibufagina, he immediately throws an inedible sacrifice.

14. Small belief in case of danger biting yourself for the tail

This lizard from Africa came up with its way to protect yourself from predators: it turns into a ring, holding a tail in the mouth and putting spines to protect.

15. Wombats have a durable panel

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© JJ Harrison / Wikipedia

The fact that the wombates of feces have a square shape, it seems already know everything. But they have a few no less interesting features. The back of the body of the Vombata is very solid because of thick skin, bones and cartilage. It protects it when attacked from behind, and if the predator wants to enjoy the Wombat in Noura, he plugs the entrance and reflects the attack. In the extreme case, Vombat is able to make the enemy.

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