4 types of pruning indoor plants that are necessary for flowers to be large, and the leaves did not dry

4 types of pruning indoor plants that are necessary for flowers to be large, and the leaves did not dry 9015_1

Pruning indoor plants is considered an important stage in a flower class. However, there are flowers requiring special care and not needing this procedure. Pruning involves solving various tasks, and each flower should take it into account.

Procurement of the growth point

Paging (or Pinzing) is shortening the point of growth - the upper sheets or fragment of the stem, as well as unnecessary buds. This is necessary to prevent excessive elongation of shoots, stimulating the growth of foliage and side twigs, improve the quality of flowering.

4 types of pruning indoor plants that are necessary for flowers to be large, and the leaves did not dry 9015_2

Sometimes not only the upper kidney is removed, but also the gross part of the stem. Removal of a third or half of escape restrains excessive growth, contributing to maintaining a compact size. Such a procedure is often carried out with room lianas.


This type of trimming may be required for all plants - this is a kind of cleaning, consisting in the elimination of dry, injured, diseases, unproductive parts - leaves, shoots, buds. Such processing prevents the transfer of pests and diseases by helping to keep health, strengthen the immunity of plant culture and support its decorative appearance.
  1. Dried or damaged shoots are cut to base or to a healthy area.
  2. Painful leaves are removed completely.
  3. Radiated flowers and unproductive inflorescences cut to the first full-fledged leaflet or to a color-based base.

Sanitary trimming is carried out as needed.

For rejuvenation

Rejuvenating trimming are focused on updating, accelerated growth and aesthetics of plants. Without such a procedure, roses and ficuses, their old and bare twigs are cut to intensify the origin of new kidneys. The barrel is shortened in the draber, and new trees receive from the cropped parts.


4 types of pruning indoor plants that are necessary for flowers to be large, and the leaves did not dry 9015_3

Code adjustment is used mainly for indoor trees and shrubs. Such trimming is aimed at creating a beautiful appearance. With the help of it, you can achieve active growth of lateral and young shoots, reinforced flowering, preventing excessive pulling and appearance of ugly bald branches.

Formation of the crown of homemade trees and bushes is usually carried out early in spring. Flowering crops are cut, focusing on the features of the flowering process: Some are formed during the period of active growth, others - after being blend.

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