"Russia 1" dedicated to the plots about the bulk of the ether. That's what they talked about


For example, the support of Navalny by foreign diplomats, its "national" and luxurious life during their stay in Germany.

Screenshot from the program "Vesti Week"

On the evening of February 7, on the TV channel "Russia 1", the program "Vesti weeks" was published with the leading Dmitry Kiselev. Its timing (with advertising) - 2 hours 23 minutes. An hour from this time was dedicated to several plots about Alexei Navalny. TJ looked at them and tells what was discussed there.

Table of contents:

  • On support for foreigners;
  • That Navalny "breaks life";
  • On the hearing on the replacement of the term and "small" protests after;
  • About insulting the veteran and the "National National National";
  • About Sergey Kolesnikov, who first told about Poland Putin;
  • On the "luxurious" life of Navalny in Germany and filming a film about the "Palace";
  • About the "Fake Film", which were engaged in the intelligence agency of the United States, Great Britain and Germany.

On support for foreigners

At the beginning of the plot about the replacement of the bulk conditional term, the real diplomats arrived at the hearing to "support their". This was called "obvious coordinated demarche" and "interference in the internal affairs" of Russia.

"But the cavalcade of diplomats is still flowers. The new US president of Joe Biden demanded "urgently free" Navalny. Listen, Russia generally requires detainees or convicted Americans "urgently free"? Nonsense some kind, "Kiselev was surprised. The presenter also mentioned the support of the oppositionist Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel and Boris Johnson.

In the material it is also said about the head of European diplomacy Josep Borlele, who also called for the liberation of Navalny. It is noted that Sergey Lavrov "taped the European guest of a real master class." Then lead the words of the head of the Foreign Ministry, in which he reiterates that "neither Russian nor German civilian doctors have found what they say was sent to his [Navalny] organism. They found these only German military doctors. " According to Lavrov, "it says a lot."

That Navalny "breaks life"

According to Kiselev, the bully himself uses people. "Cheating, he pushes young on a senseless violation of the law, and then refuses to bear responsibility for this. The fact that he will spoil his life to many thousands of thorns life, he doesn't care. And for what? For a banal lies in the interests of the West, not Russia, "the leading leader said.

Screenshot from the program "Vesti Week"

In an example, he cites the words of Navalny, who he spoke about the Russian vaccine from COVID-19 that half a year ago. "Putin's lies that Russian scientists invented, registered, tested and ready to massively apply a vaccine - it is so obvious that nothing but laughter does not cause," then Navalny said (at that moment, not only in the effectiveness of the first vaccine doubted ).

Kiselev also remembered the "programmer guy who had attacked a police officer in St. Petersburg" and said that he now would not have anything good, only broken life.

On the hearing on the replacement of the term and "small" protests after

The material of Yaroslav Krasijnko again begins with the report that foreign diplomats came to court on February 2 (foreign diplomats came to court (they are then spoken by several more). In the plot, they also remembered that the Navalny was previously convicted of conditionally in the Kirovles case and led the words of the prosecutor about the fact that there was a condesception to him. " They also told that Navalny intentionally missed registration in the FSIN more than 60 times, and most of the violations "recorded long before he went to treatment in Germany."

The plot stressed that Navalny - not the only one who was replaced by the conditional punishment for the real. According to Krasiranko, only in 2020 this measure was applied to more than 11 thousand convicts. He also stressed that Navalny "tried to turn the court in the show."

In the plot stressed that "supporters of the blogger", who after the meeting came to the central streets of Moscow, "gathered a little, so illustrate the thesis about the mass support of prisoner with numerous foreign media turned out to be nothing." "They paused, escaped and separated," concluded Krashenko. In an example, he also brought the "dangerous" protesters who sprayed the gas canister in the direction of the security forces, threw the fires, threatened them. In addition, the plot was told about several foreign diplomats who visited rallies and which were then sent from Russia.

On the insult of the veteran and the "Nazism" of Navalny

Speaking of the second for the week, the trial with the participation of Navalny, Kiselev said that in Germany he was "taken in a government tavern and artificially created the impression of their own significance and even exceptions."

The presenter said that "Navalny and His Navalnyat, insulting veterans and the memory of the Great Patriotic War and Victory, [...] on the fact ready to erase the cultural code of Russians," reading "our memory."

The author of the plot about the meeting Andrei Medvedev said that "with Navalny on this day, a mask was tearned, and a self-session session began." They reported that the entire process of the defendant "Infinitely Hamil, interrupted by a judge, broke the order, shouted, ridiculed the testimony of a veteran, mad over him and insulted his grandson."

Screenshot from the program "Vesti Week"

In the plot I remembered the "unsightly fact from the biography of Navalny" - that he drank "comic" first toast for the Holocaust "." Then they stated there that Navalny "started as a nationalist," "opponents did not easily call the" blacks ", walked on" Russian marches ", and the Jews called" Zhidami "."

The example also led the Navalny tweet in which he was "vulno laughed at the memory of Soviet people destroyed by the SS pruder commands." The story was told about the history in which the "juvenile scum, supporters of Navalny, naughty mocking over the old man, apparently, a relative who criticizes them. Grandfather, being a child, survived the war, hunger, ruin. "

In the material mentioned the words of Grigory Yavlinsky, which is the "traditional opponent of power and criticism of Putin." Earlier, the founder of the "Apple" party criticized the Navalny and his supporters, for which it was exposed to the network.

In the final of the plot, it is noted that "for all the years of public activities about the Victory Day, Navalny never wrote anything and did not say." "I don't care about the victory and people, do not care about veterans. This is the "scoops", "Vatniki", "Putinists", that is, not people, "Andrei Medvedev concluded.

About Sergey Kolesnikov, who first told about Poland Putin

Sergey Kolesnikov appeared in the investigation of FBK about Putin's Palace. He was involved in the construction of the complex and spoke about it back in 2010. Kiselev said that Kolesnikov is a Russian businessman from the 90s, which "rolls on the president, blaming him the damn knows what." The lead called the entrepreneur "the greedy, greedy and scandalous man", deceiving his partners. Kiselev also stated that Kolesnikov "stood on the path of direct betrayal, ran into the American embassy and surrendered to the US intelligence licensions."

Screenshot from the program "Vesti Week"

According to Russia 1, American intelligence began to use Kolesnikov and after the accession of Crimea, Putin's mouth was accused of the fact that he was the final beneficiary of "some offshore company, which, using corruption schemes, pockets", and spends money in Construction of the palace. After that, the Prosecutor General's Office of Switzerland began checking, but "without having evidence of his accusations, Kolesnikov clearly felt the prospect of sit down" and refused the accusations, Kiselev said.

About the "luxurious" life of Navalny in Germany and filming the film about the "Palace"

Anastasia Popova shot a report in Germany and told that the building of the German studio, where they created a film about the "Palace" "New, it was opened literally recently [...], but the first order came very quickly." According to Popova, the application was sent from Los Angeles, and "was compiled by it professionally." The owners of the studio allegedly told the local media, the employees of Russia 1 "would not have been talking to them.

The plot describes the building and the territory of the studio, and it is also said that the Navalny for working on the film hired 20 people. "He recorded himself where there was a restaurant before, and now accept visitors. Bar rack still works. The patient, barely departed from the combat chemical poison, together with the owner in the evenings drank the Schnaps and Local Gin, "- said in the material.

Popova also showed a house that was filmed by Navalny "in the most prestigious area of ​​Freiburg."

In the plot, also inspected the toilet, toilet lump and jacuzzi, which is in the house. It is noted that there is also a 50-meter pool. The following are other villas and interiors of the villa. Popova calculated that Navalny spent more than 30 thousand euros (530 euros per day). And given the expenses for the film, the "unemployed blogger" spent a million euros in Germany, said in Russia 1.

About the "Fake Film", which were engaged in the intelligence services of the United States, Great Britain and Germany

Kiselev said that the special services of three NATO countries - the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany were engaged in a fake film about the false palace. According to him, the purpose of this film was "to cause damage to Putin's personally as the leader of the country, and in the end of Russia itself."

Screenshot from the program "Vesti Week"

The presenter claims that the US State Department through the National Democracy Support Fund issued the British group of BellingCat (which investigated the poisoning of the Navalny) half a million dollars. The group, according to Kiselev, "closely related to the British intelligence Mi-6". Further, he pointed out that the Formal Customer of the film was the fake company from Los Angeles, and a team of two dozen people related to German special services worked on him.

Kiselev also mentions an interview with "Medusa" with Lanfranco Chirillo, which for some time was an architect of an object in Gelendzhik. According to the lead, "even he noted that in the film a lot of" nonsense and inventions "type of pole for striptease."

In conclusion, Kiselev noted that "the work on the fake was completed by January 13th. It was on that day that Navalny announced that she was flying to Russia with a manufactured "bomb".

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