6 ways to teach a child to cope with anger

6 ways to teach a child to cope with anger 8956_1

Useful techniques that will help to figure out our emotions.

Adults are relatively well able to maintain self-control, even if they really want to swear to swear loudly and stump right in the midst of the street. But children cope with this are not so good and do not hold back emotions.

Anger can be directed towards them (when in a very young age they call themselves, and later specially cause physical harm) or on others (other children and even parents).

The clinical psychologist of Bethany Cook believes that anger is a normal emotion and reaction. It should not be simply kept. There are more efficient techniques that will help understand and take anger.

Find the cause of anger

It seems to understand what exactly it was angry, it should be simple. But children do not know how well to explain the experiences out loud and themselves. And they can doubt whether it is normal to respond so emotionally to certain situations.

Especially if everyone around tells them: "Keep yourself in your hands", "calm down!" And other similar phrases that make the baby silence and save emotions on.

So try to find the reason together. For example, if you have just gathered a puzzle fun, and a second later I cried all the details and began to cry, ask him what happened. Probably, the child could not find a suitable piece. Tell the child that you are also upset when something does not work. And suggest him to collect a puzzle together.

Imagine anger in the form of a familiar subject

Try to explain the anger through the images understandable to the child. Offer him to imagine how his anger looks like. What kind of color, form, size, how it smells, soft it or solid. So you will learn that now the anger of your child is similar, for example, to the tower of the designer.

To cope with the tower, he will be much easier than with some abstract emotion. You can go further and not just to represent this tower, but build it. To make it possible to disassemble into small details or break (and at the same time calm down).

Adults, after all, also use similar methods: beating boxing pears, which are glued with photos of annoying people.

Survey the wheel of emotions

Older children also useful to visualize emotions to understand them, but not with the help of toys, but in special schemes. One such scheme came up with a psychologist Robert Plotchik. He placed all emotions on the flower petals and showed their shades.

The easier version of anger on this scheme is anger, and even weaker than the annoyance. Looking at this scheme, the child will be able to understand whether he is as angry now or only annoyed. Perhaps his anger is mixed with disgust, so he has contempt for someone or something.

In general, thanks to this scheme, the child learns more about emotions in general and about its in particular.

Use all five senses

Use other feelings to bring thoughts in order. Even the usual mint candy will calm down. But, of course, every time you hammer your mouth with food is not worth it.

Antistress toys also help to distract. They are in the form of balls, products, animals and different characters. And there are still flavored toys, they are especially effective.

6 ways to teach a child to cope with anger 8956_2
Photo: Aliexpress ... Control Methods

You can explain how much to explain to the child why he should not have some candies for dinner or take a doll in the store when you went just to buy products. The rational explanations will not be killed, because he is already upset. And this applies not only to children. Adults also do not particularly strive to listen to the interlocutor during the quarrel.

Do not tell the child why he can not eat candy. It is better to ask when he wants to eat them: immediately after dinner or during tea, before bedtime. Do not ask open questions, and offer specific options from which the child will have to choose.

Try breathing exercises

The breathing exercises also help take a pause, calm down and think about what exactly the child or a child, and decide how to further react to the situation. Just take yourself in your hands at the moment when you really want to shove or cry, difficult.

Therefore, learn to breathe correctly in advance, quiet days. For this there are special applications. The simplest application is suitable, which will teach the respiratory rhythm. For example, this:

Breathe: Relax & Focus

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