Advantages and Features of Tea Services Selection LEANDER

Advantages and Features of Tea Services Selection LEANDER 8931_1
Advantages and Features of Tea Services Selection Leander Admin

An ideally baked cake is one of the simple pleasures in life. Baking cakes at home can be as cheerful if you have the desired recipe.

Vanilla Maka Cake


1/2 cup of universal flour.

1/2 cup of sugar sand.

1 tablespoon bundle.

1/2 teaspoon salt.

3/4 cup of milk.

3/4 glasses of vegetable oil.

4 eggs.

4 teaspoons vanilla.

2 tablespoons poppy.


1/3 cup of sugar powder.

1/3 glasses of water.

1 tablespoon of butter.

2 teaspoons vanilla.

Raspberry Topping:

1 Packaging of frozen raspberry.

1/4 teaspoon vanilla.

Cooking method:

Preheat oven to 250c.

Mix flour, sand sugar, baking powder and salt in a big bowl.

Add milk, oil, eggs and vanilla.

Whip the resulting mixture at a low speed of 30 seconds.

Add poppy, mix everything and pour into the prepared form.

Bake from 40 to 50 minutes.

Creation of glaze:

Mix all the ingredients in a small saucepan. Bring them to boiling on medium heat.

Reduce the fire to a minimum, boil 1 minute on slow fire.

Remove the cake from the oven.

A spoon will evenly distribute the glaze on the surface of the cake.

Let stand 10 minutes. Put the cake on the serving plate. Spoon, the rest of the glaze lay out on the cake. Completely cool the cake before serving on the table.

Raspberry Topping:

Mix the raspberry and vanilla.

Add a spoonful of sweet to each piece of cake before serving on the table.

The cake has a unique taste and serve it needed in the service of the highest quality. LEANDER tea sets on the link will be the perfect addition to the sweet treat. In its composition, fluffy vanilla cakes with a wet and porous texture, raspberry topping and glaze. Biscuit and cream in combination with each other form a dense texture of the cake, which still remains fairly air and gentle. Its thin and delicate taste allows you to stop a moment in order to feel a gentle vanilla fragrance, enjoy every piece.

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